Calcular o fator K para dobra de chapa metálica

Y Factor Calculator

What is the Y factor?

The Y factor represents the constant used in the formula to calculate the unfolded length of a sheet metal part when it is bent to a specific radius and angle in the design.

The Y factor is determined by the position of the neutral bending line relative to the thickness of the sheet metal part. This position depends on the type of material used in the piece.

The Y factor has a numerical reference range of 0 to 1. A negative numerical reference for the Y factor means the material is softer, with lower values ​​indicating a softer material.

The length of the neutral bend line is equal to the unfolded length of the sheet metal part.

The Y factor is calculated by multiplying the K factor by (Π/2).

The default value for the Y factor is 0.50.

Y Factor Calculator

Further reading:

  • K Factor Calculator
  • Curvature Tolerance Calculator
  • Curvature Deduction Calculator

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