Tabela de dimensões dos parafusos ASTM A325, resistência, tamanhos de parafusos estruturais de grau A325

ASTM A325 Bolt Dimensions Table, Strength, Grade A325 Structural Bolt Sizes

ASTM A325 Bolts Structural Bolts Bolt Grade A325

ASTM A325 Bolt Dimensions Table, Sizes, Strength

ASTM A325 bolts are one of the most commonly used fasteners, generally used for structural steel connections in heavy steel structures. It contains two types of hardened and tempered steel heavy hex structural screws:

  • Type 1: medium carbon, carbon boron or medium carbon alloy steel,
  • Type 3: Heavy-duty steel.
  • Type 2: withdrawn in 1991.

The ASTM A325 standard was withdrawn in 2016 and replaced by ASTM F3125/F3125M. Except for dimensions, the information on this page is for reference and historical purposes only.

Properties and Specifications of ASTM A325 Bolts

ASTM A325 material properties and specifications are listed in the following tables, including dimensions, sizes, strength, etc.

Chemical Requirements

Chemical Requirements for Type 1 Screws, Heat Analysis
Grades Material W Yes Mn, ≤ P, ≤ S, ≤ B Alloy Elements
ASTM A325 Type 1 Carbon steel 0.30-0.52 0.15-0.30 0.6 0.04 0.05
Boron Carbon Steel 0.30-0.52 0.15-0.30 0.6 0.04 0.05 0.0005-0.003
steel alloy 0.30-0.52 0.15-0.35 0.6 0.035 0.04 A
boron steel alloy 0.30-0.52 0.15-0.35 0.6 0.035 0.04 0.0005-0.003 A
Chemical Requirements for Type 1 Screws, Product Analysis
Grades Material W Yes Mn, ≤ P, ≤ S, ≤ B Alloy Elements
ASTM A325 Type 1 Carbon steel 0.28-0.55 0.13-0.32 0.57 0.048 0.058
Boron Carbon Steel 0.28-0.55 0.08-0.32 0.6 0.04 0.05 0.0005-0.003
steel alloy 0.28-0.55 0.13-0.37 0.6 0.04 0.045 A
boron steel alloy 0.28-0.55 0.13-0.37 0.6 0.04 0.045 0.0005-0.003 A

ASTM A325 Bolt Strength

The strength of ASTM A325 bolt is summarized in the table below, including tensile strength, yield strength and hardness, etc.


The stress area is calculated as follows:

A is = 0.7854 [D-(0.9743/n)]

  • A is = tension area, in 2 ,
  • D = nominal screw size, and
  • n = threads per inch.
Tensile Requirements for Full-Size Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rods
Bolt size, threads per inch and series designation Stress Area, in. Tensile load, lbf, ≥ Proof load, length measurement method Alternative proof load, yield strength method
1/2 – 13UNC 0.142 17,050 12,050 13,050
05/08 – 11 UNC 0.226 27,100 19,200 20,800
3/4 – 10 UNC 0.334 40,100 28,400 30,700
7/8 – 9UNC 0.462 55,450 39,250 42,500
1 – 8 UNC 0.606 72,700 51,500 55,750
1 1/8 – 7 UNC 0.763 80,100 56,450 61,800
1 1/4 – 7UNC 0.969 101,700 71,700 78,500
1 3/8 – 6 UNC 1,155 121,300 85,450 93,550
1 1/2 – 6 UNC 1,405 147,500 104,000 113,800

Tabulated A325 bolt grade loads are based on the following:

Bolt size, in. Tensile strength, ksi Length measurement method, ksi Yield limit method, ksi
1/2 to 1 120 85 92
1 1/8 to 1 1/2 105 74 81

Hardness Requirements

Hardness Requirements for Structural Bolts, Studs and Threaded Rod
Screw size, in Nominal length, in. Toughness
Brinell, H.B. Rockwell B.
1/2 – 1 <2D 253-319 25-34
2D, ≥ ≤319 ≤34
1 1/8 – 1 1/2 <3D 223-286 19-30
3D, ≥ ≤286 ≤30
D = Nominal diameter or thread size.

A325 Bolt Dimension Table

ASTM A325 bolt dimensions and sizes are listed in the table and drawing below.

Parameter Notes for ASTM A325 Bolts in ASME B18.2.6 -2019

Tabela de dimensões do parafuso ASTM A325Tabela de dimensões do parafuso ASTM A325
ASTM A325 Bolt Dimensions
Table 2.1-1, A325 Heavy Hex Structural Bolts Dimensions
Nominal size or basic diameter of the product, inch Body Diameter (Max-Min), E Width between apartments, F Width between corners, G Head height, H Fillet radius, R Thread length, LT Transition thread length, Y Maximum Total Deviation of Bearing Surface, END
Nominal Max-Min. Nominal Max-Min.
1/2 (0.500) 0.515-0.482 7/8 0.875-0.850 1.010-0.969 05/16 0.323-0.302 0.031-0.009 1.00 0.19 0.016
5/8 (0.625) 0.642-0.605 11/16 1062-1031 1227-1175 25/64 0.403-0.378 0.062-0.021 1.25 0.22 0.019
3/4 (0.750) 0.768-0.729 1 1/4 1,250-1,212 1443-1383 15/32 0.483-0.455 0.062-0.021 1.38 0.25 0.022
7/8 (0.875) 0.895-0.852 7/16 1438-1394 1660-1589 35/64 0.563-0.531 0.062-0.031 1.50 0.28 0.025
1 (1,000) 1.022-0.976 1 5/8 1625-1575 1876-1796 39/64 0.627-0.591 0.093-0.062 1.75 0.31 0.028
1 1/8 (1.125) 1,149-1,098 113/16 1812-1756 2093-2002 11/16 0.718-0.658 0.093-0.062 2:00 0.34 0.032
1 1/4 (1,250) 1277-1223 two 2000-1938 2309-2209 25/32 0.813-0.749 0.093-0.062 2:00 0.38 0.035
13/8 (1,375) 1404-1345 2 3/16 2,188-2,119 2526-2416 27/32 0.878-0.810 0.093-0.062 2.25 0.44 0.038
1 1/2 (1,500) 1531-1470 2 3/8 2,375-2,300 2742-2622 15/16 0.974-0.902 0.093-0.062 2.25 0.44 0.041

A325 nut dimensions

Dimensões da porca A325Dimensões da porca A325
A325 nut dimensions
Table 3.1-1, Dimensions of Heavy Hex Nuts for Use with Structural Bolts
Nominal size or basic main thread diameter, in. Width between apartments, F Width between corners, G Thickness, H Fillet radius, R Full runout of FIM bearing face, heavy hex nuts, specified proof load
Nominal, in. Max-Min, pol. Nominal, in. Max-Min. <150 ksi ≥150 ksi
1/2 (0.500) 7/8 0.875-0.850 1.010-0.969 31/64 0.504-0.464 0.031-0.009 0.023 0.016
5/8 (0.625) 11/16 1062-1031 1227-1175 39/64 0.631-0.587 0.062-0.021 0.025 0.018
3/4 (0.750) 1 1/4 1,250-1,212 1443-1383 47/64 0.758-0.710 0.062-0.021 0.027 0.020
7/8 (0.875) 7/16 1438-1394 1660-1589 55/64 0.885-0.833 0.062-0.031 0.029 0.022
1 (1,000) 1 5/8 1625-1575 1876-1796 39/64 1.012-0.956- 0.093-0.062 0.031 0.024
1 1/8 (1.125) 113/16 1812-1756 2093-2002 17/64 1,139-1,079 0.093-0.062 0.033 0.027
1 1/4 (1,250) two 2000-1938 2309-2209 17/32 1251-1187 0.093-0.062 0.035 0.030
13/8 (1,375) 2 3/16 2,188-2,119 2526-2416 11/32 1378-1310 0.093-0.062 0.038 0.033
1 1/2 (1,500) 2 3/8 2,375-2,300 2742-2622 115/32 1505-1433 0.093-0.062 0.041 0.036

A325 washer dimensions

Dimensões da arruela A325Dimensões da arruela A325
A325 washer dimensions

Table 4.1.1-1, Dimensions for hardened steel circular and circular washers

Basic size or nominal washer size, inches Inner diameter, identification outer diameter, outer diameter Thickness, T Minimum distance from edge, E
Nominal Max-Min. Nominal Max-Min. Max-Min.
1/2 (0.500) 0.531 0.531-0.563 1,063 1,031-1,095 0.097-0.177 0.438
5/8 (0.625) 0.688 0.688-0.720 1,313 1281-1345 0.122-0.177 0.547
3/4 (0.750) 0.813 0.813-0.845 1,469 1437-1501 0.122-0.177 0.656
7/8 (0.875) 0.938 0.938-0.970 1,750 1718-1782 0.136-0.177 0.766
1 (1,000) 1,063 1,063-1,085 2,000 1937-2063 0.136-0.177 0.875
1 1/8 (1.125) 1,188 1,188-1,251 2,250 2,187-2,313 0.136-0.177 0.984
1 1/4 (1,250) 1,375 1375-1438 2,500 2437-2563 0.136-0.177 1,094
13/8 (1,375) 1,500 1500-1563 2,750 2687-2813 0.136-0.177 1,203
1 1/2 (1,500) 1,625 1625-1688 3,000 2,937-3,063 0.136-0.177 1,313

A325 washer dimensionsA325 washer dimensions

Table 4.2.1-1, Dimensions of hardened bevel washers with slope or taper in thickness 1:6
Basic size or nominal washer size, inches Inner diameter, identification Minimum side length, A Thickness, T Minimum distance from edge, E
Nominal Max-Min.
1/2 (0.500) 0.531 0.531-0.563 1.75 0.313 0.438
5/8 (0.625) 0.688 0.688-0.720 1.75 0.313 0.547
3/4 (0.750) 0.813 0.813-0.845 1.75 0.313 0.656
7/8 (0.875) 0.938 0.938-0.970- 1.75 0.313 0.766
1 (1,000) 1,125 1125-1188 1.75 0.313 0.875
1 1/8 (1.125) 1,250 1250-1313 2.25 0.313 0.984
1 1/4 (1,250) 1,375 1375-1438 2.25 0.313 1,094
13/8 (1,375) 1,500 1500-1563 2.25 0.313 1,203
1 1/2 (1,500) 1,625 1625-1688 2.25 0.313 1,313

Dimensions for Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension IndicatorsDimensions for Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension Indicators

Table 5.1-1, Dimensions for Compressible Washer Type Direct Tension Indicators, inches
Direct Voltage Indicator Size All kinds Types 325-1, 325-3 Types 490-1, 490-3
Inner diameter, A (Min-Max) Tangential diameter of the protrusion, B, ≤ Thickness, without protrusion, E, ≥ With protrusion, F, ≤ Outer diameter, C (Min-Max) Outer diameter, C (Min-Max)
1/2 (0.500) 0.520-0.527 0.788 0.104 0.18 1031-1187 1031-1375
5/8 (0.625) 0.651-0.658 0.956 0.126 0.22 1281-1375 1281-1625
3/4 (0.750) 0.783-0.790 1,125 0.126 0.24 1437-1625 1437-1750
7/8 (0.875) 0.914-0.921 1,294 0.142 0.26 1718-1875 1718-2000
1 (1,000) 1043-1052 1,463 0.158 0.27 1937-2000 1937-2250
1 1/8 (1.125) 1,174-1,183 1,631 0.158 0.28 2,187-2,250 2,187-2,500
1 1/4 (1,250) 1306-1315 1,800 0.158 0.28 2,437-2,500 2,437-2,750
13/8 (1,375) 1437-1446 1969 0.158 0.28 2,687-2,750 2,687-3,000
1 1/2 (1,500) 1568-1577 2,138 0.158 0.28 2,937-3,000 2,937-3,250

Dimensions of twist-off structural screws

Dimensões dos parafusos estruturais tipo twist-offDimensões dos parafusos estruturais tipo twist-off

Table 6.1.1-1, Dimensions of twist-off structural screws: heavy hex head and round head configurations
Nominal size or basic main diameter or thread and thread per inch Heavy hexagonal head Heavy Heit and Round Head round head Fillet radius, R (Max-Min.) Thread length, Lr Spline Length, Ls Spline width between planes, S Maximum center of groove to first fully formed thread, U Transition thread length, Y Maximum Total Deviation of the FIM Bearing Surface,
Width between apartments, F (max.-min.) Width at corners, G (max.-min.) Head height, H (max-min.) Full size body diameter. E (Max.-Min.) Head diameter. D, ≤ Bearing diameter. C, ≥
1/2 – 13 (0.500) 0.875-0.850 1.010-0.969 0.323-0.302 0.515-0.482 1,126 0.89 0.031-0.009 1.00 0.50 0.32 0.192 0.19 0.016
5/8 – 11 (0.625) 1062-1031 1227-1175 0.403-0.378 0.642-0.605 1,313 1,102 0.062-0.021 1.25 0.60 0.43 0.227 0.22 0.019
3/4 – 10 (0.750) 1,250-1,212 1443-1383 0.483-0.455 0.768-0.729 1.58 1,338 0.062-0.021 1.38 0.65 0.53 0.25 0.25 0.022
7/8 – 9 (0.875) 1438-1394 1660-1589 0.563-0.531 0.895-0.852 1.88 1,535 0.062-0.031 1.50 0.72 0.61 0.278 0.28 0.025
1 – 8 (1,000) 1625-1575 1876-1796 0.627-0.591 1.022-0.976 2,158 1,771 0.093-0.062 1.75 0.80 0.7 0.313 0.31 0.028
1 1/8 – 7 (1.125) 1812-1756 2093-2002 0.718-0.658 1,149-1,098 2,375 1991 0.093-0.062 2:00 0.90 0.8 0.367 0.34 0.032
1 1/4 – 7 (1,250) 2000-1938 2309-2209 0.813-0.749 1277-1223 2.76 2,213 0.093-0.062 2:00 1.00 0.9 0.367 0.38 0.035

ASTM A307 screws, ASTM A572 grade 50 steel, AISI 304 stainless steel

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1 comment

Preciso saber a resistencia ao corte (cisalhamento) de parafusos de aço inoxidável com 3/4" de diâmetro (o comprimento será 8" (200mm).


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