DIN EN 1.4034 Aço Inoxidável X46Cr13 Especificações do Material

DIN EN 1.4034 Stainless Steel X46Cr13 Material Specifications

DIN EN 1.4034 Stainless steel material X46Cr13

DIN EN 1.4034 Stainless steel material X46Cr13

The material X46Cr13 (DIN EN 1.4034 stainless steel) is a European EN standard martensitic stainless steel. It has good mechanical and polishing properties, but low weldability. Due to its higher carbon content than 1.4031 (X39Cr13), the steel is harder than 1.4031. 1.4034 steel has good corrosion resistance in chloride-free media and weak organic acids and bases.

Datasheet and specifications

The following tables and lists provide the data sheet and specifications of 1.4034 stainless steel, including chemical composition, physical and mechanical properties, heat treatment, welding, etc.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of DIN EN X46Cr13 material is listed in the following table based on casting analysis.

Chemical composition, %
Country (Region) Standard Steel grade (steel number) W Yes, ≤ Mn, ≤ P, ≤ S, ≤ Cr
European Union EN 10088-2;
EN 10088-3
X46Cr13 (1.4034) 0.43-0.50 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.015 12.5-14.5


  • EN 10088-2 : Technical conditions for delivery of corrosion-resistant stainless steel sheets and strips for general use;
  • EN 10088-3 : Technical conditions for delivery of semi-finished stainless steel products, bars, rebars, wires, profiles and bright corrosion-resistant steel products for general use.

Physical properties

The physical properties of DIN 1.4034 stainless steel are given in the following lists, including density, thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and electrical resistance.


  • 10 -6 ·K -1 = 10 -6 /K
  • 1Ω mm²/m = 1 μΩ m
  • 1 g/cm3 = 1 kg/dm3 = 1000 kg/m3
  • 1 GPa = 1kN/mm2
  • 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2
Physical properties
Density, g/cm3 7.7
Magnetic Yes
Electrical resistivity, μΩ·m 0.55 (20ºC)
Specific heat capacity, J/(kg·K) 460 (20ºC)
Thermal conductivity, (W/m·K) 30 (20ºC)
Modulus of elasticity, Gpa 215 (20ºC)
212 (100ºC)
205 (200ºC)
200 (300ºC)
190 (400°C)
Average coefficient of thermal expansion, (10 -6 /K) 10.5 (20-100°C)
11.0 (20-200°C)
11.5 (20-300°C)
12.0 (20-400°C)

Mechanical properties

The mechanical properties of EN 1.4034 steel at room temperature are listed in the following tables.

Mechanical properties (heat treated) under conditions 1C, 1E, 1D, 1X, 1G and 2D
Country (Region) Standard Steel grade (steel number) Diameter (d) or Thickness

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