ASTM A307 aparafusa a categoria A, B, resistência à tração rosqueada GR 307A de Rod

ASTM A307 Bolts Grade A, B, Threaded Rod Tensile Strength GR 307A

screws astm a307 a307 gr a

ASTM A307 Screws, Threaded Rod, Grade A, B

ASTM A307 screws, threaded rod and studs are the most commonly used fasteners, covering two grades of chemical and mechanical requirements from 0.25 to 4 inches in size.

  • ASTM A307 Grade A : Suitable for bolts, pins and screws for general applications, with a minimum tensile strength of 60 ksi.
  • ASTM A307 Grade B : Heavy-duty bolts, pins and screws, with tensile strength of 60-100 ksi, used for flange connections in piping systems with cast iron flanges.

Note: This standard does not cover anchor bolts.

Product marking

All A307 screw heads, one end of studs 3/8 inch and larger, and studs smaller than 3/8 inch, where feasible, shall be marked with the following classification mark:

  • Grade A: 307A
  • Grade B: 307B

A307 threaded rod will be exempt from the marking requirements of the relevant material specifications unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. Packaging and labeling requirements are mandatory in the applicable material specifications. If markings are required, they shall be located at both ends of the threaded rod and shall be raised or lowered according to the manufacturer's choice.


The following tables show the class properties and specifications of ASTM A307 bolt and threaded rod (data sheet), including chemical composition, mechanical properties, etc.

Chemical Composition of A307 Steel

The chemical requirements for A307 steel, grade 307B and 307A screws, threaded rod and studs are listed in the following table.

Chemical Requirements
Grades W Mn P s Illness
ASTM A307 Grade A 0.29 1.2 0.04 0.15 Heat Analysis
0.33 1.25 0.041 Product Analysis
ASTM A307 Grade B 0.29 1.2 0.04 0.05 Heat Analysis
0.33 1.25 0.041 0.051 Product Analysis

Mechanical properties

Hardness Requirements for A307 Screw, Stud and Threaded Rod

Hardness Requirements
Note Nominal length, in. Toughness
Brinell Rockwell B.
A307 Gr A Less than 3 x diameter 121-241 69-100
3 x diameter and more ≤241 ≤100
A307 Gr B Less than 3 x diameter 121-212 69-95
3 x diameter and more ≤212 ≤95

Tensile Requirements for ASTM A307 Full-Size Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod

Traction Requirements
Bolt size, in. Threads per inch Stress Area, in. Tensile strength, lbf x 10 3 (kN)
Grade A, ≥ Serie B
1/4 20 0.0318 1.9 (8.45) 1.9-3.18 (8.45-14.16)
05/16 18 0.0524 3.1 (13.79) 3.1-5.24 (13.79-23.31)
3/8 16 0.0775 4.65 (20.68) 4.65-7.75 (20.68-34.47)
7/16 14 0.1063 6.35 (28.25) 6.35-10.63 (28.25-47.28)
1/2 13 0.1419 8.5 (37.81) 8.5-14.19 (37.81-63.12)
16/09 12 0.182 11 (49) 11-18.2 (49-81)
5/8 11 0.226 13.55 (60) 13.55-22.6 (60-100)
3/4 10 0.334 20.05 (89) 20.05-33.4 (89-148)
7/8 9 0.462 27.7 (123) 27.7-46.2 (123-205)
1 8 0.606 36.35 (161) 36.35-60.6 (161-269)
1 1/8 7 0.763 45.8 (204) 45.8-76.3 (204-339)
1 1/4 7 0.969 58.15 (230) 58.15-96.9 (230-431)
1 3/8 6 1,155 69.3 (308) 69.3-115.5 (308-514)
1 1/2 6 1,405 84.3 (375) 84.3-140.5 (375-625)
1 3/4 5 1.9 114 (507) 114-190 (507-845)
two 4 1/2 2.5 150 (667) 150-250 (667-1112)
2 1/4 4 1/2 3.25 195 (867) 195-325 (867-1445)
2 1/2 4 4 240 (1067) 240-400 (1067-1779)
2 3/4 4 4.93 295.8 (1316) 295.8-493 (1316-2193)
3 4 5.97 358.2 (1593) 358.2-597 (1593-2655)
3 1/4 4 7.1 426 (1895) 426-710 (1895-3158)
3 1/2 4 8.33 499.8 (2223) 499.8-833 (2223-3705)
3 3/4 4 9.66 579.6 (2578) 579.6-966 (2578-4297)
4 4 11.08 664.8 (2957) 664.8-1,108 (2957-4928)
Tensile Requirements for Machined Specimens
Grades Tensile strength, ksi Yield point, min ksi Elongation by 2 in.,%
ASTM A307 Gr A 60, ≥ 18
ASTM A307 Gr B 60-100 18

For inspection, sample size and acceptance number of hot-dipped or mechanically deposited zinc coated threads

Lot size Sample size Acceptance number
2 to 90 13 1
91 to 150 20 two
151 to 280 32 3
281 to 500 50 5
501 to 1,200 80 7
1,201 to 3,200 125 10
3,201 to 10,000 200 14
10,001 ≥ 315 21

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