Aço S355MC |  1.0976 Propriedades de materiais e equivalentes

Steel S355MC | 1.0976 Properties of materials and equivalents

S355MC Steel 1.0976 Material

Steel S355MC – Material 1.0976

S355MC steel (material 1.0976) is a thermomechanically rolled steel with a high yield strength. It is essentially a type of subdivision of S355 steel. S355MC has a minimum yield strength of 355MPa and a tensile strength of 430-550 MPa.


S355MC meaning: S for structural steel, 355 indicates the minimum yield strength in MPa, M is for thermomechanically rolled, C is for cold forming. (For more European steel name meanings/designations)

Properties of S355MC steel

The basic properties of the S355MC material are listed in the following technical sheet, including chemical composition and mechanical properties.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition based on pan analysis.

Chemical Composition, % ≤
Standard Steel (Material Number) W Yes Mn P s Al, ≥ No. V You
EN 10149-2 S315MC (1.0972) 0.12 0.5 1.50 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.09 0.2 0.15


  • The sum of Nb, V and Ti must be ≤ 0.22%.
  • The sulfur content (S) must be ≤ 0.010% by agreement.

Mechanical properties

The mechanical properties of S355MC at room temperature are listed in the data sheet below, including tensile strength, yield strength, elongation and bending properties, etc.

Mechanical properties
Steel grade (material number) Yield strength, Mpa (ksi), ≥ Tensile strength, Mpa (ksi), ≥ Elongation in fracture A, ≥ 180° bending, minimum mandrel diameter
S315MC (1.0972) 355 (51) 430-550 (62-80) 19 (t< 3), Lo = 80 mm 23 (t≥ 3), Lo = 5.65 √So 0.5t


  • Tensile test values ​​apply to longitudinal samples.
  • Bending test values ​​apply to transverse test pieces.
  • t = Thickness
Recommended minimum internal bending radii for cold forming
Steel (Number) t ≤ 3 3< t ≤6 t > 6
S315MC (1.0972) 0.25t 0.5t 1.0t

Equivalent material S355MC

ASTM, European, ISO, Australian, Canadian, Chinese and Indian standards equivalent to S355MC steel are listed in the table below.

Equivalent material of S315MC steel
European Union USA ISO China Australia Canada Indian
Standard Class (Material Number) Standard and Grade Note Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note Standard Note
EN 10149-2 S315MC (1.0972) ASTM A1066/A1066M A1066 Grade 50 [345] ISO 6930-1 Rate 355 GB/T 1591 Q355ME

Related materials: S355J2, S355JR, S235JR

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