
Geotêxteis na Construção

Geotextiles in Construction

Geotextiles are synthetic, permeable materials used in civil construction projects to improve soil characteristics. Geotextiles make poor soils more suitable for...

Geotextiles in Construction

Geotextiles are synthetic, permeable materials used in civil construction projects to improve soil characteristics. Geotextiles make poor soils more suitable for...

O que é vidro temperado?  Propriedades e aplicações

What is tempered glass? Properties and applicat...

What is tempered glass? Tempered glass is a type of glass that is processed with thermal or chemical treatments, which increase its resistance. The tempering process leaves the outer surface...

What is tempered glass? Properties and applicat...

What is tempered glass? Tempered glass is a type of glass that is processed with thermal or chemical treatments, which increase its resistance. The tempering process leaves the outer surface...

Sistemas de Certificação Verde para Edifícios

Green Certification Systems for Buildings

Sustainable construction reduces the environmental impact of the construction sector, but it also makes sense as a business decision. When sustainability is considered during the design process and...

Green Certification Systems for Buildings

Sustainable construction reduces the environmental impact of the construction sector, but it also makes sense as a business decision. When sustainability is considered during the design process and...

Como os sistemas de armazenamento de energia economizam dinheiro?

How do energy storage systems save money?

Energy storage has become a trending topic in the energy industry and there is a strong reason for that. Solar panels and wind turbines can now produce electricity at a...

How do energy storage systems save money?

Energy storage has become a trending topic in the energy industry and there is a strong reason for that. Solar panels and wind turbines can now produce electricity at a...

Como os fornecedores de equipamentos podem aumentar as vendas com a criação da família Revit

How Equipment Suppliers Can Increase Sales by C...

Construction projects will slow down during the coronavirus outbreak and equipment manufacturers can expect their sales to decline. However, suppliers can use this time...

How Equipment Suppliers Can Increase Sales by C...

Construction projects will slow down during the coronavirus outbreak and equipment manufacturers can expect their sales to decline. However, suppliers can use this time...

A energia distribuída pode tornar as cidades mais resilientes durante emergências

Distributed energy can make cities more resilie...

Traditionally, electricity has been generated in centralized power plants and delivered to consumers through power lines and transformers. However, renewable energy sources...

Distributed energy can make cities more resilie...

Traditionally, electricity has been generated in centralized power plants and delivered to consumers through power lines and transformers. However, renewable energy sources...