
3 boas práticas para projetos eficientes de construção de parques eólicos

3 best practices for efficient wind farm constr...

It's been a great two years for wind farm construction projects – Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East have seen more onshore wind installations than ever before. And...

3 best practices for efficient wind farm constr...

It's been a great two years for wind farm construction projects – Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East have seen more onshore wind installations than ever before. And...

7 maneiras de melhorar seu cronograma de construção

7 Ways to Improve Your Construction Schedule

What is the biggest difficulty you face as a project manager? If you answered stick to the schedule, you're not alone. Less than a third of contractors complete their tasks...

7 Ways to Improve Your Construction Schedule

What is the biggest difficulty you face as a project manager? If you answered stick to the schedule, you're not alone. Less than a third of contractors complete their tasks...

Como as construtoras podem aproveitar o poder dos dados

How construction companies can harness the powe...

Our world is driven by data. Companies around the world use data to make better decisions, predict future results and improve their efficiency – and the construction industry is no...

How construction companies can harness the powe...

Our world is driven by data. Companies around the world use data to make better decisions, predict future results and improve their efficiency – and the construction industry is no...

Melhore a colaboração na construção aproveitando a análise de construção

Improve construction collaboration by leveragin...

It's no secret that the construction industry faces many project management challenges. Cost overruns are one of the most common results of these challenges, leading construction companies to...

Improve construction collaboration by leveragin...

It's no secret that the construction industry faces many project management challenges. Cost overruns are one of the most common results of these challenges, leading construction companies to...

Por que o software de construção digital é a ferramenta certa para colaboração e gerenciamento de construção

Why digital construction software is the right ...

Digital construction software is changing the way companies operate and improving their productivity in the field and in the office. The construction industry is known for being slow to adopt...

Why digital construction software is the right ...

Digital construction software is changing the way companies operate and improving their productivity in the field and in the office. The construction industry is known for being slow to adopt...

5 maneiras eficazes de simplificar tarefas complicadas de gerenciamento de projetos de construção

5 Effective Ways to Simplify Complicated Constr...

You have limited resources, but you must plan for each scenario to complete your projects on time and within budget. You keep the workflow on schedule, from planning to...

5 Effective Ways to Simplify Complicated Constr...

You have limited resources, but you must plan for each scenario to complete your projects on time and within budget. You keep the workflow on schedule, from planning to...