
Por que você deveria começar a compartilhar seus documentos na nuvem

Why you should start sharing your documents in ...

How many times have you felt frustrated because you couldn't find the right document when you needed it or because of all the emails you had to send and receive...

Why you should start sharing your documents in ...

How many times have you felt frustrated because you couldn't find the right document when you needed it or because of all the emails you had to send and receive...

Você sabia que 80% das pessoas que entregam no prazo cumprem o orçamento?

Did you know that 80% of people who deliver on ...

The construction site is where money is being made or lost. As a project manager or construction supervisor, you must always have a detailed view of everything that is happening...

Did you know that 80% of people who deliver on ...

The construction site is where money is being made or lost. As a project manager or construction supervisor, you must always have a detailed view of everything that is happening...

Por que todo projeto residencial precisa de um GPS em tempo real, e não de um mapa em papel

Why every residential project needs real-time G...

Imagine that you go on a trip with friends in 1980. A few days before the trip you sit down, take out your Michelin map and define the different stops...

Why every residential project needs real-time G...

Imagine that you go on a trip with friends in 1980. A few days before the trip you sit down, take out your Michelin map and define the different stops...

Como um grande empreiteiro residencial reduziu o tempo de construção em 5 vezes ao migrar sua programação para a nuvem

How a Large Residential Contractor Reduced Cons...

Have you ever heard of Grupo Provivienda? It is one of the leading residential contractors in Central and South America and a great example of how to increase site visibility...

How a Large Residential Contractor Reduced Cons...

Have you ever heard of Grupo Provivienda? It is one of the leading residential contractors in Central and South America and a great example of how to increase site visibility...

5 perguntas que todos os gerentes de projeto devem se fazer antes de iniciar um projeto

5 questions all project managers should ask the...

Many project managers who work on high-repetition projects tell us that they need to spend up to 50% of their time every week on heavy administrative tasks related to the...

5 questions all project managers should ask the...

Many project managers who work on high-repetition projects tell us that they need to spend up to 50% of their time every week on heavy administrative tasks related to the...

5 dicas que todo encarregado de obra deve saber

5 tips that every construction supervisor shoul...

The construction manager is one of the central cogs of every construction project. You are busy from the moment you arrive at work in the morning until you leave at...

5 tips that every construction supervisor shoul...

The construction manager is one of the central cogs of every construction project. You are busy from the moment you arrive at work in the morning until you leave at...