
Por que o concreto racha?  |  Guia de Estrutura

Why does concrete crack? | Structure Guide

The civil engineer and construction team need to know why concrete cracks at different times. There are many reasons for cracks in concrete. It is very important to avoid fissures...

Why does concrete crack? | Structure Guide

The civil engineer and construction team need to know why concrete cracks at different times. There are many reasons for cracks in concrete. It is very important to avoid fissures...

Everything You Need to Know About Branch Wiring...

How safe is your home's electrical system? The answer may just depend on how good the branch wiring design is. What is branch wiring design? The branched wiring project re...

Everything You Need to Know About Branch Wiring...

How safe is your home's electrical system? The answer may just depend on how good the branch wiring design is. What is branch wiring design? The branched wiring project re...

Juntas de construção em estruturas de concreto

Construction joints in concrete structures

No structure is built without construction joints. Concrete construction joints are inevitable because we cannot finish the work in one go. Depending on the type of structural elements...

Construction joints in concrete structures

No structure is built without construction joints. Concrete construction joints are inevitable because we cannot finish the work in one go. Depending on the type of structural elements...

Projetando sistemas de aquecimento para os invernos mais frios

Designing heating systems for the coldest winters

In places with cold winters, space heating systems play a fundamental role in buildings. Without them, indoor temperatures would quickly become unsuitable for occupancy...

Designing heating systems for the coldest winters

In places with cold winters, space heating systems play a fundamental role in buildings. Without them, indoor temperatures would quickly become unsuitable for occupancy...

Bombas de concreto |  Fatos que você precisa saber

Concrete pumps | Facts you need to know

Concrete pumping is widely used in the construction of medium to high-rise buildings. Manual placement of concrete is impossible as a larger volume of concrete is required and the concrete...

Concrete pumps | Facts you need to know

Concrete pumping is widely used in the construction of medium to high-rise buildings. Manual placement of concrete is impossible as a larger volume of concrete is required and the concrete...

Qual é a diferença entre ventiladores e sopradores?

What is the difference between fans and blowers?

HVAC systems rely on ventilation equipment for space heating and air conditioning, as refrigerators and boilers alone cannot provide the heating effect.

What is the difference between fans and blowers?

HVAC systems rely on ventilation equipment for space heating and air conditioning, as refrigerators and boilers alone cannot provide the heating effect.