Você possui instalações MEP adequadas para sua franquia?

Do you have suitable MEP facilities for your franchise?

Franchises are usually installed in rented commercial spaces. However, a professional assessment of the existing premises is recommended before signing a lease. The technical requirements for MEP installations depend on the equipment used by the franchise. If the commercial space requires many changes for a specific franchise, adaptation costs increase significantly.

Core and shell projects have become very popular in which the developer only provides empty spaces with connection to public utilities – electricity, gas, drinking water, sewage, etc. However, existing service connections must have sufficient capacity for the equipment you intend to use.

Make sure your MEP installations are suitable for your franchise equipment.

MEP design requirements are heavily determined by the franchise industry . Restaurant kitchens and dry cleaning equipment use a lot of gas equipment, for example, with corresponding ventilation and exhaust systems. On the other hand, an automotive repair franchise uses a lot of motorized equipment, which leads to high electricity consumption.

Designing electrical installations for a franchise

electrical installation

All commercial spaces need lighting and electrical outlets. However, depending on the type of franchise you are opening, specialized electrical equipment may be required. For example, computer servers need an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and electric motors need additional protections that are not needed for lamps and receptacles. If the electrical installations are not suitable for the equipment used by the franchise, malfunctions and failures are more likely. Additionally, the risk of fire increases when an electrical system is faulty.

By hiring an electrical design professional when starting a franchise, you can ensure that the facilities are safe and energy efficient. Below are some recommendations:

  • Using LED lighting, which consumes 30-90% less energy than older types of lighting.
  • Using NEMA Premium efficiency motors, combined with soft starters or frequency inverters, depending on the application needs.
  • Looking for electrical appliances with the ENERGY STAR logo.

These measures not only save energy, but also reduce the electrical current consumed when the equipment is in operation. In the case of motors, a VFD or soft starter can drastically reduce the inrush current when they start. Before installing your franchise equipment, all electrical specifications should be carefully checked. In this way, the electrical installation can be designed to provide the correct voltage and current while having appropriate equipment controls.

Designing gas piping for a franchise

Gas piping

Space heating and hot water systems consume most of the natural gas used in residential and commercial buildings. However, some franchises use specific equipment that also has a high demand for natural gas. Following are some examples:

  • Commercial kitchen equipment in restaurant franchises.
  • Clothes dryers and dry cleaning equipment.

Depending on the application, all-electric heat pumps can be a viable alternative to gas heating systems. Gas heating is preferred in many businesses due to its low cost, but a high-efficiency heat pump can offer competitive costs if it has a low-cost electricity source.

Regardless of the application, professional gas piping design ensures safety and high performance. Gas applications also need a reliable exhaust system to remove combustion gases, which are very dangerous when leaking indoors. Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous because it can poison humans at concentrations below 1%.

Designing Plumbing Systems for a Franchise

plumbing system

Some franchises have special plumbing requirements, which must also be considered when designing MEP installations. For example, restaurants and other food franchises must be equipped with grease traps , as they release oils and fats that can clog sewer pipes. Some franchise sectors use a lot of water, including car wash franchises and laundromats. When choosing between commercial spaces to set up a franchise, you must ensure that the water supply is adequate for your operating needs.

MEP systems are in constant interaction and this must be considered when designing an adaptation project. For example, high water consumption also increases heating needs in many cases, leading to higher gas consumption. Furthermore, equipment that consumes water generally uses pumps, and their specifications must be considered when designing electrical installations.


When starting a franchise , the help of professional MEP engineers is very valuable during the adaptation process. They can help you choose a commercial space that meets your franchise's operational requirements, and they can provide an MEP design that offers high performance and energy efficiency. Opening a franchise is much more expensive if you select a commercial space where the MEP facilities do not have sufficient capacity. In this case, the commercial adaptation project has a much higher cost, due to the necessary modernizations.

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