
Como a eficiência energética dos edifícios pode melhorar a qualidade do ar nas cidades

How energy efficiency in buildings can improve ...

Air pollution has been linked to many health problems, which include respiratory and heart diseases. Additionally, a recent Harvard study found that coronavirus mortality...

How energy efficiency in buildings can improve ...

Air pollution has been linked to many health problems, which include respiratory and heart diseases. Additionally, a recent Harvard study found that coronavirus mortality...

Você é proprietário de um edifício?  Como reduzir as emissões de carbono durante o inverno

Are you a building owner? How to reduce carbon ...

You either cause combustion or electricity to heat a building, and each option has pros and cons. Combustion heating is an economical option for many buildings, but this means it...

Are you a building owner? How to reduce carbon ...

You either cause combustion or electricity to heat a building, and each option has pros and cons. Combustion heating is an economical option for many buildings, but this means it...

Como os dados corretos podem ajudar os edifícios a reduzir as suas emissões

How the right data can help buildings reduce th...

The emissions released by a building are strongly related to energy consumption, but there are other factors that also have an impact. To effectively reduce emissions, the first step...

How the right data can help buildings reduce th...

The emissions released by a building are strongly related to energy consumption, but there are other factors that also have an impact. To effectively reduce emissions, the first step...

A importância de reduzir as emissões de carbono dos edifícios

The importance of reducing carbon emissions fro...

Greenhouse gas emissions are often associated with sources such as vehicle traffic, industrial activity and coal-fired power plants. However, the impact of the sect...

The importance of reducing carbon emissions fro...

Greenhouse gas emissions are often associated with sources such as vehicle traffic, industrial activity and coal-fired power plants. However, the impact of the sect...

5 vantagens comerciais de edifícios verdes

5 Business Advantages of Green Buildings

To reduce the environmental impact of cities, sustainable construction is essential. Keep in mind that buildings represent almost 40% of global emissions and their total area will double by 206...

5 Business Advantages of Green Buildings

To reduce the environmental impact of cities, sustainable construction is essential. Keep in mind that buildings represent almost 40% of global emissions and their total area will double by 206...

Os dois tipos de emissões de edifícios: carbono incorporado e carbono operacional

The two types of building emissions: embodied c...

In many parts of the world, there is growing concern about the environmental impact of the construction sector. An example of this is New York Local Law 97 of 2019,...

The two types of building emissions: embodied c...

In many parts of the world, there is growing concern about the environmental impact of the construction sector. An example of this is New York Local Law 97 of 2019,...