
3 atualizações energéticas prediais para complementar um painel solar comercial

3 Building Energy Upgrades to Complement a Comm...

Solar energy is a proven investment for building owners, especially in places with expensive electricity and financial incentives for renewable energy, like New York. A father...

3 Building Energy Upgrades to Complement a Comm...

Solar energy is a proven investment for building owners, especially in places with expensive electricity and financial incentives for renewable energy, like New York. A father...

Como os painéis solares podem economizar eletricidade e gás natural

How Solar Panels Can Save Electricity and Natur...

Natural gas prices and consumption are expected to continue to rise through the winter, according to the latest Short-Term Energy Outlook published by the Energy Information Administration.

How Solar Panels Can Save Electricity and Natur...

Natural gas prices and consumption are expected to continue to rise through the winter, according to the latest Short-Term Energy Outlook published by the Energy Information Administration.

Quais são as diferenças entre um PTAC e um Mini-Split?

What are the differences between a PTAC and a M...

Packaged terminal air conditioners and mini-splits have similar applications. Both are unitary systems, meaning they are designed for individual areas rather than floors...

What are the differences between a PTAC and a M...

Packaged terminal air conditioners and mini-splits have similar applications. Both are unitary systems, meaning they are designed for individual areas rather than floors...

Aquecimento elétrico para edifícios: três dicas de design para reduzir suas contas

Electric Heating for Buildings: Three Design Ti...

As you may have read in the news and our previous blog post, New York City has enacted the introduction. No. 2,317-A, which prohibits space heating and gas hot water...

Electric Heating for Buildings: Three Design Ti...

As you may have read in the news and our previous blog post, New York City has enacted the introduction. No. 2,317-A, which prohibits space heating and gas hot water...

O aquecimento elétrico é realmente mais limpo do que o aquecimento a gás?  Depende!

Is electric heating really cleaner than gas hea...

New York City enacted Introduction No. 2317-A in December 2021, and the new law prohibits fuels that release more than 25 kg of CO2 per million BTU in space and...

Is electric heating really cleaner than gas hea...

New York City enacted Introduction No. 2317-A in December 2021, and the new law prohibits fuels that release more than 25 kg of CO2 per million BTU in space and...

Relatório de inflação de 13 de julho: os preços da energia nos EUA continuam subindo

July 13 Inflation Report: US Energy Prices Cont...

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report on July 13, showing that inflation remains high, especially in the...

July 13 Inflation Report: US Energy Prices Cont...

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) report on July 13, showing that inflation remains high, especially in the...