
Como um projeto de encanamento profissional melhora a eficiência energética

How Professional Plumbing Design Improves Energ...

Energy efficiency measures for buildings tend to focus on lighting and HVAC systems. However, the energy consumption of hydraulic installations is often overlooked. O...

How Professional Plumbing Design Improves Energ...

Energy efficiency measures for buildings tend to focus on lighting and HVAC systems. However, the energy consumption of hydraulic installations is often overlooked. O...

O aquecimento elétrico é realmente mais limpo do que o aquecimento a gás?  Depende!

Is electric heating really cleaner than gas hea...

New York City enacted Introduction No. 2317-A in December 2021, and the new law prohibits fuels that release more than 25 kg of CO2 per million BTU in space and...

Is electric heating really cleaner than gas hea...

New York City enacted Introduction No. 2317-A in December 2021, and the new law prohibits fuels that release more than 25 kg of CO2 per million BTU in space and...