Sistema de proteção contra incêndio: revelando 9 componentes vitais

Fire Protection System: Revealing 9 Vital Components

When we talk about fire protection, we can imagine automatic sprinklers and fire alarms. However, these are just two of the many systems that protect buildings and their occupants. For example, accumulated smoke can cause suffocation and must also be controlled with exhaust fans. Buildings should also include measures to help firefighters, as there are cases where a fire cannot be controlled with sprinklers alone.

This article provides an overview of the main components used in fire protection systems, indicating sections of the New York Building Code with corresponding requirements. Keep in mind that this is an informational guide only, it should not be used in place of building codes when designing an actual fire protection system.

Components Used in Fire Protection Systems:

Automatic fire sprinklers

FPSC Fire Sprinkler

Code Section: BC903

As the name implies, automatic sprinklers respond to fire without human intervention. Movies and TV series have spread some misconceptions about sprinklers; for example, there is a belief that sprinklers water indoor spaces at the slightest hint of smoke. In reality, sprinklers work one by one in response to heat, and in many cases, one sprinkler is enough to extinguish the fire.

  • An automatic sprinkler system for a large building can be a significant cost, but repairing damage from an uncontrolled fire is much more expensive.
  • Additionally, occupants can suffer disabling injuries or even lose their lives during a large fire.<

The fire at Trump Tower in New York in April 2018 could have been mitigated or prevented with automatic sprinklers. However, they are only required in new residential towers, or in existing towers that undergo major renovation. Local Law 26 of 2004 has made fire sprinklers mandatory for existing office buildings (at least 100 feet tall) since July 1, 2019. However, there is no equivalent law for residential towers.

There are special cases where the discharge of water is dangerous and other extinguishing substances are used instead (BC 904). Some examples are foam, carbon dioxide and halon.

Vertical fonts

FPSC standpipe

Code section: BC905

A standpipe is a piping system that delivers water from a main source to hose connections at key locations in a building. These fittings are used by firefighters, and the New York Building Code covers five possible standpipe configurations:

  • Automatic drying
  • Automatic wet
  • Manual drying
  • wet manual
  • Semi-automatic drying

Dry standpipes are typically filled with pressurized air and water enters the system when needed; on the other hand, wet standpipes are permanently filled with water. Automatic systems establish the required flow on their own, while manual systems rely on an FDNY pumper truck. Semi-automatic systems require a remote signal to activate, but can establish the necessary flow on their own when this happens.

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Fire alarm systems

Fire alarm

Code Section: BC907

A fire alarm system monitors the building for the presence of fire, producing audible and visual signals if fire is detected. A control unit receives inputs from all fire detection devices, automatic or manual, activating the corresponding notification systems. Additionally, fire alarms can be used to initiate appropriate response measures when a fire is detected.

It is important to note that fire alarm requirements change significantly depending on the building's occupancy classification. Following the correct set of requirements is the first step to code-compliant fire alarm design.

Fire alarms should not be confused with emergency alarms (BC 908), which are used to signal dangerous conditions involving hazardous materials.

Smoke Control Systems

Smoke control

Code section: BC909

Humans instinctively avoid fire, but the dangers associated with smoke are not common knowledge. In addition to limiting visibility, smoke can cause poisoning if sufficient quantities are inhaled. Therefore, a fire protection system must also deal with smoke effectively, preventing its accumulation and removing it from the building.

Note that smoke movement is driven by pressure and temperature: you won't see smoke flowing from an area of ​​lower pressure to an area of ​​higher pressure, and it tends to rise along with the hot air.

One of the most important requirements for a smoke control system is keeping elevator shafts and stairwells unobstructed. These areas are used to evacuate the building and the accumulation of smoke can make it difficult for occupants to escape.

Smoke and heat vents are addressed in a dedicated code section (BC 910).

Fire Command Center

Fire Command

Code section: BC911

A fire command center is required by code in many occupancies, including high-rise buildings. The fire command center is a centralized location that displays the status of various fire protection systems – detection devices, alarms, communication systems, etc. The command center also provides manual controls for many of these systems.

The fire command center must be accessible. The New York Building Code requires it to be installed in the lobby of buildings, on the main entrance floor and near the FDNY designated response point.

Fire Department Connections

Fire Department Connections

Code section: BC912

As the name implies, fire department fittings are used by the FDNY for hoses and pumping equipment.

  • They should be located where they will not obstruct firefighting operations while at the same time providing optimal coverage.
  • Code requires at least one connection for every 300 feet of exterior wall length.
  • Exceptions and special cases are also covered by the code.

Fire Pumps

Fire Pumps

Code section: BC913

As you might guess from the name, fire pumps are used to establish a reliable water supply for fire protection systems. If a fire pump's sole purpose is to supply water to an automatic sprinkler system, it is considered a sprinkler booster pump.

Note that fire pumps are typically powered by electricity. NYC codes provide a list of requirements for backup power systems for fire pumps, ensuring they operate even if electrical service is interrupted.

Fire pumps are expensive, but they are not mandatory for all fire protection systems. With smart design decisions, it may be possible to avoid their use completely while still having a reliable, code-compliant system.

Post-fire smoke purge


Code section: BC916

As previously stated, smoke makes visibility difficult and is extremely dangerous when inhaled. Eliminating smoke in a building is important to resume operation as quickly as possible once the fire is extinguished. This is precisely what post-fire smoke purge systems do – eliminating smoke quickly after a fire.

Because post-fire smoke purge systems operate after a fire, they are not classified as life safety systems. However, they are mandatory in all occupancy groups indicated by the fire protection code.

Auxiliary Radiocommunication System (ARCS)


Code section: BC917

An ARCS is a communication system used by firefighters, which meets the following conditions:

  • Wireless
  • Bidirectional
  • Radio frequencies exclusive to the FDNY to avoid interference
  • Independent of the building's electrical and communication systems

An ARCS is required on all new commercial construction greater than 75 feet and new residential construction greater than 125 feet. It must provide optimal building coverage while providing a reliable communication system for firefighters anywhere within the building.


Fire protection requirements in New York are very demanding and the associated equipment is expensive. However, you can optimize costs while ensuring code compliance by working with qualified design professionals from the design phase. Lower costs do not necessarily mean reduced fire protection.

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