Riscos comuns de segurança elétrica em residências e empresas

Common electrical safety risks in homes and businesses

Photo by Sebastian Pociecha on Unsplash

To ensure your building is always a safe space, pay attention to all items connected to electrical power. Through years of experience, we at New York Engineers have observed that the following electrical hazards are among the most common:

  • Faulty wiring
  • Outdated electrical panels
  • Used devices

Electrical safety is very important for the well-being of building occupants. If you neglect electrical safety, there is a high chance of property damage and everyone inside is exposed to serious danger.

Even if there are no accidents, hidden electrical problems can damage and wear out your equipment over time. MEP engineering services can help you maintain buildings in optimal operating condition, including residential buildings and office buildings.

That's why the team decided to explain how to maintain electrical safety in your home or business by inspecting the most critical components.

Outdated electrical panels

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Photo by Yung Chang on Unsplash

Modern technology evolves at a rapid pace, as do the sources of electricity used by modern buildings. However, electrical panels used by buildings can remain in place for decades without replacement and deteriorate over time.

“The biggest problem with an old electrical panel is that it doesn't have a huge capacity,” shares Jordan Vellutini, managing director of Westline Electricians Company, “Once construction on a property is complete, the panel is often used for the very maximum. . This means you won’t be able to connect a new circuit when you need it,” he adds.

New homes typically come with 200 amp service and an adequate electrical panel to handle the load of modern appliances. However, outdated wiring and panels often lead to electrical failures.

If your property still has an old fuse panel, it is best to replace it with a modern panel with circuit breakers, ensuring a higher level of electrical safety.

How Electrical Engineers Select Circuit Breakers and Other Protective Devices

Electrical failures are also among the most common hazards on construction sites. This means that electrical safety must be considered from the design and construction phase.

Damaged wiring

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Photo by Matthew Guay on Unsplash

One of the main causes of electrical risks in homes and businesses is faulty wiring! Be extremely cautious when encountering damaged wires and do not attempt to repair or size wires yourself unless you are a professional engineer or electrician! When wiring is torn, faulty, or just plain old, there is always the risk of ground faults, arcing, and even fire.

Do you know the five classes of fire? Importance of using the correct extinguisher

To avoid electrical accidents in your building, an inspection and report by a qualified electrical engineer is highly recommended. An expert can examine the condition of the wiring to suggest the most appropriate upgrades and repairs.

Electrical engineering tips to reduce wiring costs in buildings

“Damaged wiring is not only a big risk, it can also greatly devalue your home,” comments Paul Gibbens from HouseBuyers4u. “As New York engineers will also confirm, repairing or replacing an entire wiring installation can be a time, effort and resource-consuming task without professional help,” he adds.

Too many devices plugged into the same outlet

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Photo by Martijn Baudoin on Unsplash

How many appliances are currently connected to your kitchen power strip? Probably more than you'd like to admit. It's common for families to have a refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, and other smaller electronics connected to just one strip. However, this can cause voltage drops, overloads and even fires.

  • To prevent future damage, be sure to plug rugged devices into different outlets.
  • Likewise, adapters often become overloaded with power from too many devices. Plugging everything into a few outlets to save space may seem like a good idea. However, this actually creates a fire hazard.

US Department of Energy: Efficiency Standards for Home Appliances and Equipment

A power strip must have a built-in circuit breaker. If you accidentally overload the strip, the circuit breaker will activate, preventing electrical failures and property damage.

From time to time, check the condition of the sockets and cables of electrical devices. If you notice any signs of wear, repairing the problem should be a priority.

Connecting many lamps to the same circuit

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Photo by Anthony Indraus on Unsplash

Light bulbs may seem harmless, but they can also cause electrical hazards.

Did you know that a fire can be started by a bulb with the wrong wattage? If you replace 60W incandescent bulbs with 200W HID bulbs, the wiring may become overloaded. A circuit breaker with the correct capacity will turn off the bulbs in this case, but you won't be able to turn them on.

To prevent this from happening, use lamps with a wattage that does not exceed the circuit capacity. Upgrading to LED lighting is a great idea as they can produce the same amount of light using fewer watts. When changing bulbs, check labels or instructions for wattage information – it should be less than or equal to the previous bulb.

Also, pay attention to flickering light bulbs. Children may think it's a ghost, but the most likely cause is faulty wiring. Hire a professional electrician to take a look and eliminate the problem.

We have two more tips for you regarding lamps:

  1. Do not install lamps in contact objects that can easily catch fire, such as curtains, upholstered furniture, pillows or plastic items.
  2. For your own safety, always unplug a bulb when changing it.

To know more:

  • Top 7 Benefits of Using LED Lights Compared to Traditional Lighting.
  • Types of LED lighting upgrades: bulb replacements, retrofits, and fixture replacements.
  • How do you purchase high-quality products for an LED lighting upgrade?

Appliances near water

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Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

The most common reaction when you see water getting onto a device is to unplug it, but this can cause electrocution. The smartest thing to do in this situation is to turn off the power through the main panel box. If you have a well-designed installation, the breakers will trip immediately when the fault occurs.

For maximum safety, install GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets in areas where water is used. These devices can detect the current caused by an electrical fault, immediately cutting off the power.

What are GFCI and AFCI outlets?

You can rely on the professional services of an electrician to install these special outlets. Another option is to install GFCI breakers in the switchboard.

In general, best practice is to place all outlets as far away from water sources as possible. Also avoid using electrical appliances in the bathroom, near the pool or in any other humid area on your property.

To complement GFCI protection in bathrooms, maintain good ventilation and consider an environmentally friendly toilet.

Dangerous Devices

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Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

Many people don't pay attention to the warning signs that their devices are old or faulty.

  • Is your hair dryer suddenly overheating?
  • Is your toaster oven giving off a burning smell?

Cases like these are the first signs of damaged devices and you should not ignore them. Otherwise, you will expose your property to an electrical failure.

To ensure electrical safety, the renovation experts at Houseace share some tips:

  • Take action as soon as you notice that the microwave, electric kettle or any other appliance is not working normally.
  • Inspect your faulty devices to determine if repair is possible. If you need to buy a new device, look for the ENERGY STAR logo to save electricity.
  • Avoid placing power cords near electrical devices that emit heat. This way you will protect the cables against melting.

Repurposed or used devices

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It's tempting to ease your budget by buying a second-hand appliance or repurposing one. However, this can lead to lower energy efficiency and a higher risk of accidents.

“Imagine you have an outdated gas stove that you want to convert to electricity,” says Antonia of Escape Waste. “Reusing instead of discarding may seem like a great idea, but in reality you risk a lot. For example, a stove without proper insulation could be a ticking time bomb inside your home. That's why I recommend avoiding these DIY projects and turning to an expert if you need to repurpose an old appliance,” she adds.

It's better to spend a little more than put your building and its occupants in danger!

Electrical Safety in Homes and Businesses

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Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Always be on the lookout for faulty electrical objects in your home or business – electrical safety should be a priority. Keep an eye out for the potential issues we cover, and don't hesitate to contact a certified electrician if you find anything suspicious.

We recommend that you always rely on professional and specialist services.

Don't solve electrical problems alone, even if you have a drawer full of tools. Your well-being is worth much more than the cost of professional services.

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