Quais serviços de projetos de engenharia são mais solicitados em projetos de construção?

Which engineering design services are most requested in construction projects?

Many cities in the northeastern US are more than two centuries old, combining historic and modern buildings. The region is also characterized by a wide range of temperatures throughout the year, requiring the use of heating and cooling equipment, ideally complemented with a high-performance building envelope. Also keep in mind that building codes change by state and city, and projects must comply to be approved by local authorities.

Engineering is a very broad professional area, but some specializations are more relevant in the context of construction projects. Mechanical, electrical and hydraulic (MEP) systems are fundamental to the functioning of the building, creating suitable internal conditions for occupancy. Fire protection engineering is also an important field, combining many physical principles of MEP systems to make buildings safe.

Make sure your building systems are reliable and code compliant.

mechanical Engineering

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems play a very important role in modern buildings. These mechanical systems ensure that indoor conditions remain suitable for occupancy, even when the building is exposed to extreme weather conditions.

  • Window air conditioners are a common option due to the ease of installation and low initial cost often found in older construction. However, these air conditioners also have lower efficiency than more modern options, increasing energy bills during the summer.
  • Ductless mini-split air conditioners have a higher initial cost than their window-style counterparts, but they make up for it with much higher efficiency. The latest ductless systems can easily achieve energy savings of over 70% when replacing window AC units.
  • Variable refrigerant flow systems are a modern, highly efficient option capable of providing both heating and cooling. They can also adjust their output according to heat load, rather than using an intermittent compressor.
  • Chilled beams are a common option in large buildings, utilizing heat exchangers with cold water piping above the ceiling instead of air ducts. Its main advantage is that hydronic piping requires much less space than air ducts and can also be configured to use hot water for space heating during the winter.

In residential and commercial buildings, HVAC systems typically consume more energy than all other devices combined. Energy efficiency measures for HVAC installations can provide significant savings over the life of a building.

Electrical engineering

Electricity provides the fastest and most efficient method of energy transmission known to humanity. However, the power of electricity also makes it dangerous if not handled properly, and an electrical failure can quickly damage equipment or start a fire. A well-designed electrical system is not only safe but also efficient, and the electrical design process offers many opportunities to reduce long-term energy bills with smart decisions.

Proper sizing is very important in electrical design: undersized systems are vulnerable to overheating and insulation damage, but an oversized system represents an unnecessary expense. Consider that the core service includes panels and other expensive components, and they are sized based on the total load – significant cost optimization is possible with an accurate load calculation.

circuit breaker board

The design process also includes technical documentation such as panel schedules. These documents are of great help when the building is in operation, especially for troubleshooting and maintenance.

The National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) is the main reference for electrical design in the US. Local building codes typically incorporate the NEC, adding state or city-specific requirements that are considered necessary.

plumbing engineering

A reliable, temperature-appropriate water supply is critical in modern built environments, and plumbing systems must also prevent the accumulation of wastewater and rainwater. Following are some of the key challenges that can be solved by qualified MEP engineers:

  • Domestic hot water efficiency: DHW systems can have significant energy consumption, but there are two ways to reduce their operating costs. The required heat production can be reduced by conserving water, and you can also upgrade to a water heater with a higher efficiency rating.
  • Stormwater management: Stormwater must be discharged from your building efficiently, which requires features like roof drainage. However, municipal authorities regulate the rate at which you can discharge stormwater into the public sewer. A well-designed stormwater management system balances both aspects.

Plumbing systems are more difficult to modify than mechanical and electrical installations, as they carry water and many of their components are embedded in walls and ceilings. Smart decisions during the design phase can save expensive modifications in the future.

Fire Protection Engineering

Temporary failures in mechanical, electrical and hydraulic systems cause disruptions and interruptions. However, fire protection systems must always be ready to act, or the consequences can be serious.

  • Fire alarms are very important because they warn occupants when fire or smoke is detected. Temporal-3 (T-3) fire alarm systems have been the industry standard for decades and their requirements are set forth in NFPA and UL standards. They must be supplemented with a code-compliant fire alarm control panel.
  • Automatic sprinklers provide quick and effective fire response and can control most fire incidents without assistance from the local fire department. Adding a fire sprinkler system is one of the best ways to protect your property.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is the national authority on fire protection, and its standards provide the basis for local fire protection codes. Many components are also subject to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) testing requirements.

Compliance with local building codes

Real estate developers are subject to construction requirements specific to each state or city, and meeting them can be challenging even for unfamiliar professional engineers. Also keep in mind that the approval procedure changes depending on the characteristics of the building.

Professional MEP engineers can provide construction designs that offer code compliance and high performance. Consulting services are also available for existing properties, where they can help identify key areas of opportunity to improve safety and performance.

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