Why you need electrical engineering experts for your project

Whether you are a building owner or contractor, working with an electrical engineering firm can ensure that your project – new construction or renovation – will result in an optimized building. High performance is the ultimate goal, and we can achieve it at the lowest possible cost through strategic MEP engineering projects.

What we do

Our electrical engineers work with mechanical and plumbing engineers. The team then collaborates with architects and project owners from design through construction and assessment. This approach is effective because it allows us to integrate MEP systems with the architecture. It is especially crucial for modern buildings that use diverse technologies. It’s important if you want sustainability and LEED accreditation.

Energy conservation

In the United States, about 10% of energy is used for indoor lighting. If you want to help reduce the number, our electrical engineers can design systems and recommend equipment that can reduce the energy spent on indoor lighting. Put our experience into practice and save 20 to 60% of electricity.

When creating MEP engineering projects, we always strive to help our partners save energy. Our goal is to utilize natural light, use energy-efficient fixtures like LED, and add sensors. Talk to us if you want to know more about energy management solutions that make buildings sustainable. Whether it's a new construction or a renovation project, we incorporate as many eco-friendly products as possible. As much as we can, we also incorporate renewable energy sources into our electrical engineering projects.

Fire protection

From sprinklers to fire suppression systems, our electrical engineers can help equip buildings with the best fire protection. However, it's not as simple as it seems. Fire protection systems must meet certain national and state standards. They also need to be in sync with your plumbing system. This is why it is better to hire a team of MEP engineers than to work with different companies for each engineering discipline. Our team can help you with all three: mechanical, electrical and plumbing.


For more advanced buildings, our team can incorporate an automation system that will allow users to control parts of the MEP system, such as HVAC and lighting. This network helps maintain building performance at optimal levels. Our team can add this to the MEP engineering design while pursuing energy efficiency.

Long-term value

Some building owners ignore long-term value due to the goal of reducing the cost of construction. However, working with New York engineers means you'll have cost-effective construction solutions that won't sacrifice your building's long-term value. We stay up to date with the latest technologies and developments to ensure our designs maximize the lifecycle of every part of the system.

Professional electrical engineering design for optimal performance

If you need a reliable partner for all your electrical engineering project needs, contact us. Our team will identify materials and equipment that will require less energy, minimize maintenance, speed up the process and ensure comfort.

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