Top-down planning versus bottom-up planning: which is better?

Planning is a crucial aspect of a successful construction management process and the overall success of a construction project. It is highly recommended that you have established a planning style before executing the project.

Top-down and bottom-up planning methods are two of the most popular approaches used in the construction industry when it comes to planning. Although these two planning models represent opposing approaches, they illustrate the parallelism in identifying a company's main objectives.

In short, top-down planning goes from the general to the specific of things, while bottom-up planning goes from the specific to the general. Top-down planning is the most popular approach in traditional construction.

However, in recent years, many organizations have switched to bottom-up planning. Some construction companies use a combination of both approaches to create an agile planning process and pave the way for a construction process with fewer interruptions and greater profits.

There are several aspects to consider when choosing a planning approach: company culture, business environment, executive management, stakeholders, and construction planning tools. Selecting a planning model is an important decision that impacts each and every aspect of a construction company and its construction projects.

What is the difference between bottom-up and top-down project processing?

Processing occurs from top to bottom and also from bottom to top. In addition to planning, these processing methods are also used to define the company's objectives and the next strategic steps to achieve them.

In top-down processing, the main objectives of the construction project are defined and the tasks required to support them are determined. The newly defined activities are then divided into smaller tasks and spread across different team members to begin their development. In this sense, top-down processing is a diverse approach.

With bottom-up processing, things are different, as smaller goals are initially set and activities begin at lower organizational levels in the company. These more restricted objectives will, at a later stage, be linked to the main objectives and strategies of the project, becoming a convergent approach.

Traditionally, top-down planning involves clearly defining the objectives of the construction project and dividing them into specific project objectives, which are addressed in the different phases of construction. Sometimes called backward planning, top-down planning is a planning approach that focuses on gradually moving from the top to the bottom of a specific project hierarchy.

The construction project management team usually provides the plan that includes the project objectives based on the expectations and goals set by the project owner, the contractor, and other project stakeholders. This construction plan is then divided into subplans for smaller construction work and activities and specified at the subordinate levels of planning, including detailed work for subcontractors. This approach provides structured control over a construction project.

Bottom-up planning or forward planning, on the other hand, aims to create a plan at a lower but meaningful level and then advance it to the next level up to higher project levels. For example, bottom-up planning might focus on a specific desired functionality of a project and the entire construction would be based on that.

Planning would start with small-scale organizations and bring these smaller individual elements together to create a larger, more complex structure. This method would provide a more experimental approach, open to restructuring and editing based on unforeseen project impacts.

What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with top-down and bottom-up planning?

Both top-down and bottom-up planning have their own advantages and disadvantages. Starting from top-down planning, a great advantage involves matching the sub-plan goals with the overall objectives of the project and the organization. With much more structured control, the top-down approach creates a plan more quickly, eliminating complex and time-consuming coordination tasks. Its biggest disadvantage, on the other hand, is the unrealistic and unattainable goals that result from the disconnect between management and individual departments.

With bottom-up planning, one of the biggest advantages is having more realistic plans created directly with the employees involved. Along with this, employees seem to be more motivated as they have a more significant role in the entire process. However, timing and coordination are the biggest bets when it comes to upward planning. There is also the likelihood that sub-plans will contradict each other, which may set a low bar for the overall project objectives.

Why delivering on time should be your only concern

Determining which planning approach to use ultimately depends on the nature of your construction business and the resources available to you. As a company in the competitive construction industry, you need to decide how much control you want over the strategies you need to implement so you can achieve key project objectives and avoid costly project interruptions and delays.

Remember, the construction process is a chain of critical activities and events where the smallest of problems can break the link and create huge setbacks. Whichever planning process you think would work best for you, top-down or bottom-up, or even a combination of both, your main concern is to link strategies and activities together in the best possible way to deliver your project on time. and within budget.

top-down and bottom-up planning

To optimize the use of top-down and bottom-up planning, we have found that combining the two produces a planning method that allows for efficient, focused implementation of project objectives while also including all other aspects of construction, departments and processes. . This combined method can pave the way for a data-driven construction project with fewer reworks and budget overruns.

Below you will find some tips that may be useful in your effort to keep your construction projects and, by extension, your construction company on the right track:

  1. Define your project goals from the top down, while preparing them from previous forecasts from the bottom up.
  2. Set goals and objectives to create subgoals and subplans for respective departments and activities that align with the project's higher goals.
  3. Coordinate subplans from the bottom up and let project management better communicate with employees by construction task that make up a construction job.

How to deliver on time

Whichever planning approach you use, your main focus should always be delivering on time. And the reason is simple. If you deliver according to plan, everything else in your project will also be implemented.

So whether you prefer top-down or bottom-up planning, at the end of the day what really matters is being able to flag critical issues quickly and communicate with other project teams in a timely manner.

This will help you detect issues before they become a threat to your project and provide the data you need to add predictability to your current and future projects.

If you want to delve deeper into how to keep your organization competitive, download our free enlightening eBook on 6 Secrets to Staying Competitive here .

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