O que é pavimento rígido?

What is rigid pavement?

Rigid pavement is a type of road construction that uses a rigid layer as the primary structural component. Unlike flexible pavement, which consists of multiple layers of asphalt material, rigid pavement consists of a rigid layer of reinforced concrete or cement concrete. This type of flooring offers numerous benefits, including durability, strength and resistance to high traffic loads. In this article, we will explore the features, construction process, benefits, and applications of rigid paving.

Rigid pavement is a type of road surface that consists of a solid layer of concrete. It is commonly used on highways, airports and other busy areas because it can withstand heavy loads and provide a long-lasting pavement surface.

The rigid nature of pavement distributes vehicle load more efficiently, reducing stress on the underlying layers and increasing the overall life of the road.

Rigid pavement characteristics

It has several main characteristics that differentiate it from other types of flooring. Furthermore, its behavior in certain soil conditions and applications has led to wider use.

  • Resistance and durability

One of the main benefits of rigid pavement is its exceptional strength and durability.

The concrete layer used was designed to withstand high loads and is therefore suitable for areas with a high volume of traffic.

Rigid road surfaces can withstand the constant load of vehicles without significant deformation or damage and therefore have a longer service life compared to flexible road surfaces.

Unlike flexible pavement, there are minimal changes to road surface properties and driving conditions.

  • Joint spacing

Rigid pavement contains joints at regular intervals to prevent cracks from occurring due to shrinkage and temperature fluctuations. We offer this Expansion Joints and Motion Joints for this purpose.

These joints allow for controlled expansion and contraction of the concrete slab, minimizing the risk of cracking and ensuring that the pavement structure remains intact.

However, these joints can become unsightly if not constructed properly in accordance with standard construction practices. Additionally, there is a high chance that the edges of these joints will become damaged over time.

  • Load distribution

A rigid road surface efficiently distributes vehicle load over a larger area, reducing surface load and preventing premature failure.

This property makes it ideal for handling heavy traffic and loads such as those found on highways and airport runways.

  • thickness

Rigid road surfaces are relatively thick compared to flexible walkways. They typically have a minimum thickness of 150mm or more depending on the expected traffic load.

However, when building on less busy land with good soil conditions, the thickness can be reduced to 100 mm.

  • Reinforcement

It is not absolutely necessary to provide reinforcement. Depending on the coating, however, reinforcement with steel bars or mesh can be used to further improve load-bearing capacity and crack resistance.

Tall, rigid fortifications built on supports such as beams or other materials are provided with reinforcement as required by the structural design.

  • Noise

Hard pavements tend to produce more noise due to tire-road interaction, especially on highways.

To reduce the noise level, surface structuring and other noise reduction measures can be used.

  • construction time

Rigid pavement construction can take longer than flexible pavement construction because concrete hardens . Proper curing is essential to achieve the desired strength and durability.

This is somewhat dependent, although it is said that hard payment may take longer. Site conditions, terrain conditions, land improvements, etc. encountered during construction flexible payments would also result in a delay in construction.

Hard coverHard cover

Rigid road pavement construction process

The construction process involves several steps, just like building a flexible pavement. However, there are some additional steps when using concrete as a building material.

  • surface preparation

The subsoil, i.e. the natural soil or existing road surface, is prepared by removing all vegetation, debris and weak materials.

The subsoil is then compacted to ensure a stable foundation for the road surface.

  • Base Layer Installation

A layer of granular material is applied over the subsurface, called the base layer.

This base layer provides additional support and contributes to even load distribution.

Furthermore, it improves drainage and prevents water from rising, which could damage the floor.

  • Formwork and reinforcement

Before concreting, formwork is installed to determine the shape and dimensions of the floor.

Steel reinforcements are also added to concrete to increase its strength and prevent cracking. Reinforcement helps distribute the load more efficiently across the pavement, reducing the risk of failure.

The space for the expansion joint is also taken into account when producing the formwork. Expansion joint spacing depends on project requirements and is in the range of 10-20mm.

  • Concrete installation

Once the formwork and reinforcement are present, the concrete is poured and, after cleaning the surfaces, distributed evenly over the intended area.

The concrete mix is ​​carefully selected to meet the required specifications for strength and durability. After pouring, the surface is leveled and finished to obtain a smooth, even surface.

  • Healing and maintenance

Concrete hardening is a mandatory process. After the concrete is placed, it goes through a curing process to gain strength and durability. During curing, the concrete is kept moist for a set period of time and protected from extreme temperatures. Regular maintenance, including sealing cracks and sealing joints, is also important to extend the life of your rigid floor.

Advantages of rigid pavement

Rigid road surface offers several advantages over other types of road construction:

  • longevity

Due to their robust construction and ability to withstand high loads, rigid decking has a longer lifespan compared to flexible decking.

When properly designed and maintained, rigid pavement can last several decades, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements.

  • Resilience

Rigid decking is specifically designed to distribute heavy loads more efficiently. It can support the weight of heavy vehicles without significant deformation, ensuring a smooth and safe driving experience even in heavy traffic.

  • Low maintenance effort

Compared to other road surfaces, hard surfaces require relatively little maintenance.

To prevent wear and extend the life of the floor, regular inspections and sealing of cracks and joints are necessary.

However, maintenance is generally cheaper and less expensive than flexible flooring.

  • Reduced Rutting

Compared to flexible road surfaces, rigid road surfaces are less susceptible to rutting (longitudinal depressions in the road surface).

This feature is particularly important in areas with high truck traffic.

  • Weather resistance

Rigid floors are more resistant to climatic influences, such as rain, frost and temperature fluctuations, which can extend their useful life in different climatic conditions.

Rigid paving stone applications

Rigid pavements are widely used in various transportation infrastructure projects, including:

  • Highways and expressways

Due to its ability to withstand high traffic loads, rigid pavement is often used in the construction of highways and expressways.

Its robustness and long service life make it the ideal choice for busy corridors.

  • Airports

Airports, and runways in particular, require a surface that can support the weight of large aircraft and repeated takeoffs and landings.

A rigid pavement provides the strength and load-bearing capacity required to cope with such conditions and is therefore suitable for airport construction.

  • Industrial facilities

Rigid pavement is also used in industrial facilities where heavy machinery and equipment are frequently used.

The pavement's ability to withstand constant stress and wear ensures smooth and safe operation in these environments.

Rigid pavement with its reinforced concrete structure offers numerous advantages such as durability, resistance and resistance to heavy loads.

Its ability to efficiently distribute loads and withstand traffic loads makes it the preferred choice for highways, airports and industrial areas. By understanding the construction process, benefits and applications of rigid pavement, we can realize its importance in providing reliable and long-lasting road infrastructure.

Common questions

F1. Is rigid paving more expensive to build than flexible paving?

The initial construction costs of rigid pavements are generally higher than those of flexible pavements. However, they can be a more economical choice in the long term due to their longer lifespan and lower maintenance requirements.

F2. How long do hard road surfaces last?

With proper construction and maintenance, they can last several decades. Exact service life depends on factors such as traffic volume, weather conditions and maintenance practices.

F3. Can a rigid pavement be repaired if cracks form?

Yes, cracks in hard floors can be repaired using various techniques such as crack sealing and joint sealing. These maintenance measures help prevent further wear and extend the life of the pad.

F4. Are there any restrictions on the use of rigid decking?

Although rigid floors offer numerous benefits, they may not be suitable for all applications. Due to their rigid nature, they are less adaptable to ground movements and can cause cracking in areas with significant temperature fluctuations or ground instability.

Q5. What maintenance is recommended for rigid pavement?

Regular inspections, sealing cracks and sealing joints are essential to maintaining a solid surface. Regular inspections help identify signs of wear or damage early so that repairs can be made in a timely manner. Crack sealing involves filling and sealing cracks in the pavement to prevent water infiltration and increased wear. Joint resealing involves resealing the joints between concrete slabs to maintain their integrity and prevent cracks from forming.

Q6. What is the construction time for rigid and flexible road surfaces?

Rigid pavements generally take longer to build than flexible pavements. The curing time required for the concrete to reach sufficient strength increases the total construction time. In contrast, a flexible pavement can be built more quickly because it does not require the same curing time.

Q7. Are rigid pavements suitable for areas with extreme weather conditions?

Rigid pavements can be designed and constructed to withstand extreme weather conditions, but additional measures may be required to accommodate temperature fluctuations and prevent cracking. Proper joint spacing, control of concrete mixes, and use of expansion joints can help mitigate the effects of temperature fluctuations in rigid pavements.

Q8. Can rigid flooring be replaced or covered with a new layer?

In some cases, a hard pavement can be resurfaced or resurfaced to extend its life. This process involves placing a new layer of concrete or asphalt over the existing surface. However, the feasibility of replacement depends on the condition of the underlying pavement and the extent of deterioration.

Q9. Are there any environmental considerations associated with rigid pavement?

Construction typically requires the use of concrete, which has a significant environmental footprint due to the extraction and production of cement. However, the long lifespan and durability of rigid pavement can help minimize the need for frequent reconstruction, thereby reducing the overall long-term environmental impact.

F10. Can hard paving be used on private driveways?

Rigid paving can be used on private driveways, especially in areas with heavy vehicle traffic or when durability is a primary concern. However, it is important to consider the specific requirements and conditions of the driveway, as well as the budget, before deciding on the type of paving.

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