Modelagem de energia usando ASHRAE 209: em todo o design e além

Energy Modeling Using ASHRAE 209: Across Design and Beyond

ASHRAE Standard 209 is a new and improved methodology for updating energy modeling through the design phase. This standard is considered somewhat revolutionary when it comes to updating energy modeling plans for projects.

ASHRAE 209 was designed so that there could be consistent, standardized procedures for properly using energy modeling skills. This standard seamlessly advances the use of seamless energy modeling to quantify the importance of design decisions. This is usually done for the time they are developed.

Introduction to Energy Modeling

Since the last decade, energy modeling of buildings has become increasingly important. This has become a much more common practice than ever before due to the fact that it has now become standard practice. It has become standard practice since it became a necessary requirement for LEED certification.

Typically, energy modeling is used when the end of the design process is near in order to justify any incentive programs. However, the true purpose of building energy modeling is not just to meet a certain standard. It is used to provide valuable feedback to the design process throughout the entire process.

What is ASHRAE 209?

ASHRAE 209 is a new process standard that helps users build an optimal way to apply energy modeling processes in buildings. This is done so that the processes can be applied to the overall building design process.

ASHRAE 209 describes a system of energy modeling activities that must be performed during the design process. For a long time, there was no set standard for how people should use energy modeling or what should constitute the design phase. It is a solution to all these problems and sets a standard for design processes.

What are some ASHRAE 209 requirements?

There are many requirements that are needed when you get your building certified to ASHRAE 209. These requirements must be met exactly, otherwise it could be a problem later on.

The minimum requirements of ASHRAE 209 involve conducting a climate analysis at the building's location. You will also need to do some benchmarking and participate in an energy design table.

To meet the ASHRAE 209 standard, you must meet at least two of the 11 modeling cycles. One of these cycles, the load shedding cycle, is mandatory to be performed during the schematic design process. This is why it is important to properly comply with the standard before carrying out the schematic design process.

Meet ASHRAE 209 requirements

What is the advantage of using energy modeling so early in the process?

Educational and creative composition with the message Stop Wasting Energy on the blackboard

Decisions about the building, windows and doors, number of floors, proportion and height of each floor can have a huge impact. This impact can also affect the building's energy performance.

You will often find that if you perform energy analysis to optimize the shape of the building, the energy will be stabilized. This results in fewer heating and cooling loads. This means you can also save money on energy costs. You'll save more money on your HVAC system, which will allow for some extra investment later.

Simply put, you can really take advantage of passive acts by carrying out a comprehensive analysis at the initial stage. Most people aim for Net Zero Energy buildings. ASHRAE 209 helps you minimize energy loads and achieve a near-perfect Net Zero Energy building.

With ASHRAE 209, you can also stabilize the amount of renewable energy that may be needed to reach the net zero goal.

To complete

You can easily use ASHRAE Standard 209 to meet and even exceed LEED credit requirements for certification. Using the standard will optimize your designs and make them energy efficient. This will also help you make your projects save more money.

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