Instalação de franquia: como os engenheiros MEP podem ajudar além do design

Franchise Installation: How MEP Engineers Can Help Beyond Design

When opening a new franchise, you need a design that meets not only building codes but also all specifications provided by the franchise. Furthermore, when using a rented commercial space, there may be specifications from the landlord. However, meeting all of these requirements is not a problem when working with MEP engineers experienced in franchise retrofit projects .

Choosing the right engineering firm to design a new franchise location increases your chances of success, especially when they offer complementary services. Ideally, you'll want to work with a company that gets your project approved quickly with your local building department while helping you meet any legal requirements not mentioned in building codes.

Get professional MEP engineering services for your franchise retrofit project.

Completing the project exactly as specified in the approved blueprint is simpler when the chosen engineering firm also provides construction administration services . Energy efficiency recommendations are also very valuable as they can save you thousands of dollars in utility bills over time.

1)Get quick design approval and construction permit

building permit

Two identical franchise locations in different cities may be subject to different requirements, and you need an engineering firm with local experience to get quick approval. Otherwise, you may have to deal with design revisions that will delay your opening date.

MEP engineers who know the local market can also recommend qualified contractors. This is also necessary to proceed with a project, as only licensed contractors can obtain work permits.

If you plan to open franchises in multiple cities, it will be helpful to hire an engineering firm with regional experience. This way, projects will be approved quickly, even when construction departments have different requirements.

2) Compliance with local laws: current and future

local laws

Building codes do not cover all of the requirements of business owners, as new requirements are always introduced with legislation. For example, New York City buildings larger than 25,000 sf will be subject to Local Law 97 of 2019 starting in 2024, which has emission limits calculated based on floor area and occupancy group. For every metric ton of CO2 equivalent above the limit, building owners must pay a fine of $268 per year.

Other examples of New York laws that apply to buildings are:

  • LL84 of 2009 ( comparative assessment )
  • LL 88 of 2009 ( Mandatory lighting updates )
  • LL33 of 2018 ( Construction energy grades )
  • LL92 and 94 of 2019 ( Mandatory green roofs )

You should pay particular attention to laws that have already been published but are not yet in force – if they are not considered during design and construction, you may have to modify your location later.

3)Construction Management Services

project management

Hiring the same engineering firm for design and supervision is the most efficient approach in any franchise adaptation project. Otherwise, the supervising company must take time to familiarize itself with the project documents, and some construction errors may go unnoticed.

4)Energy Consulting Services

energy efficiency

State energy codes have minimum performance requirements for construction projects, and this includes the franchise sector. However, you can achieve significant savings over time by exceeding the energy efficiency levels required by codes. Each project is unique and energy saving measures must be selected carefully to maximize return on investment. You can't just assume that the measures used by neighboring buildings will work in your case.

Professional MEP engineers will not simply comply with the local energy code when designing your franchise retrofit project. They will also propose energy efficiency measures suited to your project, including estimated costs and savings. This way, you can select an ideal combination of measurements that meets your budget.


Franchises offer the opportunity to replicate a successful business model, but adaptation projects bring unique requirements. However, starting a franchise is simpler when you work with the right MEP engineering company. Your project will be approved faster and you can rest assured that your project meets applicable local laws. If the engineering company offers complementary services, such as construction management and energy consultancy, you can also reduce initial construction costs and long-term operating costs.

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