Sewage ejector pump installation: everything you need to know

Many modern homes have the main sewer line somewhere at ground level, which makes it more difficult for basement bathrooms and laundry rooms to eject sewage safely. This is where sewage ejector pumps come in. A decent sewage ejector pump will send sewage straight to the main municipal line, reducing any inconveniences and clogs along the way.

Trust us, installing a perfect sewage ejector pump will not be that easy.

Why do I need a sewage ejector pump?

For those who haven't caught up yet, a sewage ejector pump is crucial for getting rid of wastewater from underground areas like a basement that uses a water supply. Typically, the sewer line is at or above the ground, and naturally, water flows from top to bottom, resulting in the basement line being cut off completely.

Our plumbing engineers can select the best sewage ejector pump for your property.

A sewage ejector pump uses heavy energy to pump waste into the main sewer line, preventing tons of clogs and bathroom messes. Now, a pump is not entirely necessary. But if you have a basement bathroom or laundry room, you'll definitely want to install one. For homes that don't need basement water, an ejector pump is completely redundant.

Not pumping sewage water from toilets can result in:

  • Solid and semi-solid waste clogs the pipes.
  • Floods are caused by overflowing or burst pipes.
  • Sewage water in sinks and taps.
  • The accumulation of sewage water can lead to the spread of diseases such as flu, food poisoning and respiratory problems.
  • Sewer gas can cause nausea and annoyance and attract pests.

What do I need to install an old seam ejector pump?

A sewage pumping system has some system requirements. For Chicago residents, a sewage ejector pump requires:

  • One vent:

Every bilge pump, whether above or below ground, requires a vent. This ventilation performs two functions. First, it equalizes the pressure and ensures that while the water is pumped, the empty space is filled with air, to avoid creating a vacuum. Second, it provides a channel for sewer gases to exit the house. This is important, as mentioned previously, as sewer gases can be a nuisance and the smell is intense.

  • Deposit basin:

This is the main “tank” where sewage water is stored. The reservoir basin is generally underground, slightly lower than the basement floor. Its main function is to hold sewage water until it is ready to be pumped. In the tank there is a float (similar to those used in sanitary cisterns) which, upon reaching a certain height, activates a valve that activates the pumping.

  • 2 inch output:

Of course, every bomb requires an outlet. For most Chicago residents, a 2-inch diameter outlet is recommended by the Chicago Municipal Department to carry all sewage away from the home. The outlet must be wide enough to allow enough water to pass through and must be able to withstand the pressure created by the pump. The size mainly depends on the type and diameter of the pipes installed in your home.

  • Retention valve:

Most sewage pumping systems require a valve between the sewage inlet and the reservoir. This valve is known as a check valve and prevents sewage water from flowing back into the house. This is very important as you don't want sewage water coming out of your taps and bathtubs.

Obtain a plumbing license:

But of course the first thing you need is a license. After all, installing a sewage ejector system is no easy task, and improper installations can lead to devastating results, including flooding, infiltration, and perhaps even permanent damage to city limits.

Getting a license in the city of Chicago is not easy. In general, applying for a plumbing license online is the easiest way. The city clerk's website has some plumbing permits you may want to check. Typically, registration and acceptance can take up to 2 weeks, depending on the city hall's workload. Most licenses require your contact information, your contactor's contact information, plumbing information, and a certain amount of license fee.

How to choose a contractor:

Last but not least, you will need a contractor. If you are a qualified professional, you can do the work yourself. But even with the best plumber in town, you'll still need more than one person for the job. We recommend hiring a contractor so they can do the work for you.

In general, look for:

  • Moderate prices:

We say moderate and not low, and there is a reason. Although some contractors may be very low priced, their services are probably cheap for a reason. It is best to hire a plumber who is exactly within your budget or at least half of it. Going below that is risking paying for a second-grade job. Don't hire a contractor who charges ridiculously high prices unless their work is monumental. You will already be paying between $300 and $800 for the pump itself.

  • Degree in MEP Engineering:

Who said a plumber can't be professional? In modern times, the best plumbers have degrees in engineering and technology. The most common are MEP. Most Chicago MEP Engineers already have professional certifications, so this shouldn't be too difficult.

  • Customer Reviews and Reputation:

The best way to know if the contractor is a good deal is to read customer reviews or listen to those who have had experience with them. If the contractor has great reviews, he will be perfect for the job.

  • Licenses:

If your contractor already has a license, this adds to their authenticity. When looking for a plumber, make sure he has a legal license to work. Some contractors are working illegally, so it is best to request documentation before completing them.

In short:

In short, for a good sewage ejector system you need to hire a moderately priced contractor, purchase the necessary equipment, obtain a permit, and make sure you are doing everything you can.

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