NEMA and IP enclosures: know the difference

Electrical equipment performs several important functions in modern built environments. The enclosures that house this equipment must provide adequate protection, considering the local conditions. Enclosures built to National Electrical Manufacturers Association standards are NEMA rated, while those built to IEC standards are IP (International Protection) rated.

As increased protection comes at a higher cost, very complicated enclosures are not recommended. For example, there is no reason to use watertight and corrosion-proof enclosures in commercial offices, but they become necessary in marine environments.

This article describes the main types of enclosures in both the NEMA and IP rating systems. Please note that this is an informational guide, not intended to be used in place of NEMA and IEC standards in real-world applications.

Are you using the correct types of electrical enclosure?

NEMA Enclosures Overview

NEMA enclosure types are specified using numbers, alone or in combination with letters. Each type has different protection features and a higher number does not always mean more protection. NEMA enclosures range from types 1 through 13, where types 7 through 10 indicate enclosures suitable for hazardous locations (designed to prevent ignition of flammable solids, liquids, and vapors).

NEMA Enclosures for Non-Hazardous Locations



Type 1

Designed for indoor use only.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt.

Type 2

Designed for indoor use only
Solids: Protection against falling dirt.
Liquids: Protection against water drips and light splashes.

Type 3

Designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt and blown dust.
Liquids: Protection against rain, hail and snow. Not damaged by external ice formation.

Type 3R

Similar to Type 3, but solid protection is against falling dirt only.

Type 3S

Same as Type 3, with an additional feature: the opening mechanism works when covered in ice.

Types 3X, 3RX and 3SX

Same protection as types 3, 3R and 3S, in addition to corrosion resistance.

Type 4

Designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt and blown dust.
Liquids: Protection against rain, hail, snow, splashes and hoses. Not damaged by external ice formation.

Type 4X

Same protection as Type 4, more corrosion resistance.

Type 5

Designed for indoor use only.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt, airborne dust, lint, fibers and debris.
Liquids: Protection against water drips and light splashes.

Type 6

Designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Solids: Dustproof.
Liquids: Highest degree of protection against water, resisting hose washing and short-term immersion at shallow depth. Not damaged by external ice formation.

Type 6P

Same protection as Type 6, more resistance to corrosion and prolonged immersion (even at low depths).

Type 11

Designed for indoor use only.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt.
Liquids: Protection against water drips and light splashes.
Provides corrosion resistance against liquids and gases.

Type 12

Designed for indoor use only.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt, circulating dust, lint, fibers, flies. It does not have extraction holes.
Liquids: Protection against water drips and light splashes.

Enter 12K

Same protection as Type 12K, but includes pre-drilled holes.

Type 13

Designed for indoor use only.
Solids: Protection against falling dirt, circulating dust, lint, fibers, flies.
Liquids: Protection against water drips and light splashes. Also protects against oil and non-corrosive coolants (spray, splash and infiltration).

NEMA Enclosures for Hazardous Locations

Hazardous location enclosures are designed to prevent explosions. This is achieved by isolating ignition sources from flammable substances or by designing enclosures to withstand an internal explosion without breaking.



Type 7

Designed for indoor use only.
Suitable for Class I, Division 1, Groups A through D in accordance with the National Electrical Code NFPA 70.
May contain an internal explosion.

Type 8

Designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Suitable for Class I, Division 1, Groups A through D in accordance with the National Electrical Code NFPA 70.
Immersed in oil to prevent combustion.

Type 9

Designed for indoor use only.
Suitable for Class II, Division 1, Groups E through G in accordance with the National Electrical Code NFPA 70.
Prevents ignition of combustible dust.

Type 10

Built in accordance with Mine Safety and Health Administration requirements.
May contain an internal explosion.

IP Enclosures Overview

IP enclosures also indicate their protection rating with numbers, but the logic is simpler than with NEMA enclosures:

  • The first digit indicates solid protection, while the second indicates liquid protection.
  • In each of the digits, a higher number indicates greater protection, a principle that does not always apply to NEMA enclosures.

The first digit goes from 0 to 6, while the second goes from 0 to 8 (plus a special classification indicated as 9k). This means that IP00 is the lowest protection rating, while IP69k is the highest. IP ratings are summarized in the tables below.

Solid Protection




No protection.


Particles larger than 50 mm.


Particles larger than 12.5 mm.


Particles larger than 2.5 mm.


Particles larger than 1.0 mm.


Limited dust ingress.


Completely dustproof.

Liquid Protection




No protection.


Vertical water dripping.


Vertical water drip, cabinet tilted 15°.


Water spraying up to 60° from the vertical axis.


Spraying water from any direction.


6.3mm nozzle water jet.


Powerful water jet with 12.5 mm nozzle.


Temporary immersion up to 1 m.


Prolonged immersion at depths greater than 1 m.


Short-range, high-temperature, high-pressure water jets.


Cabinet selection is a very important aspect of electrical design. If the enclosure does not provide adequate protection for the application at hand, the electrical components will likely fail soon. On the other hand, overspecified cabinets represent wasted capital that could be dedicated to other design features or energy efficiency measures.

When dealing with the NEMA and IP rating systems, consider that neither is better than the other; they simply differ in the standards followed and the way protection is specified. However, consider that NEMA standards are dominant in North America.

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