Dicas para encontrar o local certo para o seu ar condicionado

Tips for finding the right location for your air conditioner

One of the first things you need to decide when installing an air conditioner is the location of the indoor and outdoor units. When your air conditioning system is installed in a suitable location, it can regulate the temperature in your home at an optimal cost. Therefore, you should take the time to find a suitable location for your unit to ensure long-lasting performance.

The following are some tips on how to select the best location for your air conditioner.

Finding a location with enough space for your external drive

air conditioningcondensers

When installing an air conditioning system, many people focus on the indoor unit and completely ignore the location selected for the outdoor unit. However, finding a good location for the outdoor condenser is very important to the air conditioner's performance.

In general, an air conditioning system works much better if the outdoor unit has enough space to operate. Therefore, you must ensure that the outdoor unit has enough space to breathe fresh air and release heat from inside your home. For best results, leave some free space around the condensing unit to encourage the free flow of fresh air.

Pro Tip: You should also make sure that the location of your outdoor unit is easily accessible to perform regular maintenance work.

Provide shading for your outdoor unit

When your outdoor unit is exposed to direct sunlight, the air conditioning system must work harder to provide sufficient cooling for your home. Additionally, protecting your outdoor unit from natural light is an excellent way to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Adequate shading is one of the most important factors when looking for a suitable location for installation. You can protect your external drive in a shaded location to avoid overheating, which has a detrimental effect on performance and lifespan. If the outdoor unit and surrounding air are kept cool, the AC system can function more efficiently, reducing cooling costs and extending its lifespan.

Keep your internal unit away from heat sources

Appliances that release heat inside your home can cause your air conditioner to work longer than it should. When your air conditioner senses heat, the thermostat may respond incorrectly, affecting efficiency and temperature control.

Because the location of your air conditioner has a significant impact on efficiency, avoid placing the indoor unit near heat sources. The heat produced by appliances can keep your appliance running 24/7, even after it reaches the preset temperature. The thermostat may not respond correctly if the AC unit is too close to appliances such as refrigerators, TVs, lamps, etc.

Place the condensing unit high enough

acindoor unit

Cold air has greater density and therefore moves to the back of the room. To achieve adequate cooling, you need to take this factor into consideration when installing your new air conditioning system.

If your unit is placed too close to the ground, it may not produce the desired result, causing you to spend more on utility bills. Therefore, you must keep your AC unit high enough to provide effective cooling.

Unless you have a fan to supplement your air conditioning and circulate cool air, installing the indoor unit higher can help cool the room more evenly. Look for a location 5 to 6 feet above the floor where your unit can distribute cool air evenly throughout the room.

Pro Tip : You should also ensure that the indoor unit is positioned in a convenient location for cleaning and replacing air filters. When Choosing an Air Conditioning Service Specialist in Jacksonville I will do some research and choose the one who best understands your needs.

In short…

When choosing locations for your air conditioner's indoor and outdoor units, remember that heat causes wear and tear, increasing energy consumption and shortening its lifespan. Finding a reliable location for your air conditioner is crucial if you want to create a comfortable environment inside your home.

Not finding a suitable location for your air conditioner can lead to expensive repairs in the future. As the ideal location is influenced by several technical factors, the best recommendation is to obtain a professional opinion!

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