Dicas de encanamento para reduzir o consumo de água e energia

Plumbing Tips to Reduce Water and Energy Consumption

Improving water efficiency not only reduces water bills, but also energy costs – consider that water heating can represent a quarter of the energy consumed in a household. You can save water without sacrificing convenience by fixing leaky toilets, installing low-flow showerheads, and collecting rainwater for irrigation. In particular, bathrooms can be responsible for almost a third of the average home's indoor water consumption.

This article provides a series of plumbing tips that save water and energy while keeping your plumbing installation in optimal operating condition.

1) Perform home inspections to find plumbing problems

Plumbing problems can be resolved more easily and at a lower cost if they are detected early rather than waiting for a clogged pipe or broken seal to:

  • Check the sink, bathtub and shower hardware.
  • Inspect exposed pipes beneath the sink.
  • Inspect the pipes in your basement and utility room.
  • Check for toilet leaks by using a few drops of food coloring in the tanks and checking to see if the water in the bowl has changed color 10 to 15 minutes later. Also check the floor around the toilet, where leaking water could be a sign of a broken seal.
  • Check external faucets and hoses.

As soon as a leak is detected, repair the affected pipes and fittings or replace them if necessary. Fixing leaky faucets and plumbing joints can save up to 20 gallons per day for each leak. Not all leaks are easily detected, but you can determine if there are hidden leaks by checking the water meter before and after a period when no water was used. If the meter shifts, there are likely undetected leaks in your home. If you are still unable to locate the problems with your plumbing system, it is highly recommended to look for affordable plumbing service providers in your area.

pipe leak

2) Use low-flow fixtures

Low-flow fixtures are a very effective water conservation measure, as you can replace existing fixtures without disrupting your plumbing installation.

  • Low-flow showerheads reduce water consumption by more than 30% compared to conventional showerheads.
  • Low flow faucets use up to 40% less water than regular faucets.
  • Aerators control the maximum flow of taps and are inexpensive. This makes them one of the most cost-effective water conservation measures.
  • Replace old toilets that use 5 gallons per flush (gpf) with high-efficiency toilets that use no more than 1.6 gpf. Dual flush toilets have the option of a powerful flush (1.6 gpf) and a standard conservative flush that uses less water (>1 gpf).

If your property uses a water booster pump, low-flow fixtures also reduce electricity consumption, reducing demand on the pumping system.

3) Water heaters play a fundamental role in energy consumption

Because water conservation reduces the volume flowing through water heating systems, you can achieve significant energy savings.

  • Replace old water heaters with newer, more energy-efficient models.
  • Tankless water heaters heat only the water used, reducing energy consumption.
  • If you are using a tank water heater, be sure to keep it clean to keep the heater's performance and efficiency at optimal levels.
  • By keeping your water heater at 120°F or lower, you can avoid scalding while reducing energy costs – your heater keeps water hot with less energy.
  • Insulate pipes to prevent heat loss between the water heater and pipes.

4) Check your washing machine’s supply hoses

Washing machines also consume large amounts of water and leaks that affect them can have a significant impact on water bills.

  • Move the washing machine away from the wall and check the floor for signs of drips and leaks.
  • Inspect water supply hoses from end to end, checking for cracks or other signs of damage – rubber hoses deteriorate over time.
  • Replace rubber hoses every five years or as needed.

5) Develop efficient lawn and garden management practices

  • Many homeowners focus on conserving water indoors while ignoring outdoor use. In properties with green areas, external consumption can represent a large part of the water bill.
  • Apply a layer of mulch between 1” and 3” thick around trees and other plants to reduce evaporation and the need for irrigation.
  • Collect rainwater in barrels or other containers and use it to maintain the landscape.
  • Water your lawn wisely – a smart sprinkler controller can save up to 40 gallons per day.
  • Water your lawn at dawn to prevent water loss through evaporation.
  • Practice xeriscaping, a design approach to landscaping and gardening that minimizes irrigation needs. Some xeriscape concepts are an ideal garden layout, special soil types that retain water, the use of desert plants, and efficient irrigation.

Irrigation typically accounts for the largest outdoor water consumption. However, some water is wasted due to excess water, leaks and bad habits in general.

Have your building's plumbing system professionally inspected.

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6) Don't forget the drains


Drains do not affect water and energy consumption, but they are essential for the overall performance of the hydraulic system. Water conservation and energy efficiency are great for a plumbing system, but it must also be well-drained.

  • Drains are often ignored until they become clogged. Use eco-friendly drain cleaners to prevent clogs, as chemical-infused cleaners can damage pipes.
  • In bathrooms, use filters to keep particles out of drain pipes.
  • Keep grease and oils away from drain pipes – when the grease cools, it solidifies on the pipe walls and causes blockages. Place the grease in a heat-resistant container and, when it cools, throw it in the trash.
  • Follow waste disposal guidelines to avoid damaging drain pipes.
  • Don't throw away dental floss as it binds to other waste and forms large clumps that block pipes.


Water efficiency projects are often considered difficult or expensive by building owners, but it is actually a very achievable goal. Although the potential for water savings outdoors is high, indoor water consumption is an easier starting point – repairing leaks in sanitary installations can lead to significant water and energy savings.

The tips and recommendations mentioned above can improve the performance of your plumbing system, saving you money by reducing water and energy consumption.

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