Como os serviços de E-Comm podem economizar o tempo do arquiteto?

How can E-Comm services save an architect's time?

The role of the lead architect is fundamental in a construction project, as it involves many responsibilities beyond architectural drawings. The architect responsible for a project manages communication between the owner and design engineers and, later, between the owner and the general contractor.

In a construction project, the architectural design provides the starting point for all other design disciplines: structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, interiors, etc. Once the project is complete, architects can expect many requests for information from other design teams. Architects must be careful to provide clear information to other design professionals to minimize specification conflicts.

Complement your architectural project with specialized MEP engineering services.

Architects can use e-commerce services to save a lot of time during the design phase. In addition to making the design process more efficient, remote collaboration eliminates the risk of COVID-19 infection during in-person meetings.

Optimizing the engineering design process with e-commerce

construction engineering

A project architect can use online engineering services to optimize the scope of work, managing the project budget more efficiently. Architects must typically meet with design engineers to discuss design documents, and MEP design services are quoted accordingly. However, when design services are hired online, they can be itemized and added to a “shopping cart”.

  • Architects can get an accurate price estimate for engineering design services even before meeting with the MEP firm.
  • If additional design tasks are required, they can also be purchased as items and their price is known in advance.

With e-commerce, the time between the first communication and the start of the engineering project can be drastically reduced. There are also more payment methods available, such as credit cards and PayPal. The architect and MEP engineers can focus on project completion and approval, while communication and payments are kept simple.

Online engineering services also save a lot of time and fuel as there is no need to attend meetings in person. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this is also a social distancing measure that protects all project personnel. An architect responsible for multiple projects must meet with multiple owners and engineering teams, and in-person meetings pose a significant risk in this case.

Online engineering services for building renovation projects

renovation project

Architects can also use online MEP design services for specific building upgrades, such as the following:

  • Sprinkler system design
  • Shipping container design (for modular expansions)
  • Boiler replacement project

When e-commerce is applied in MEP engineering, it offers flexible and adaptable pricing for different types of projects. Leading architects can leverage this to meet the needs of various clients.

Using eCommerce to Access MEP Design Expertise

online transaction

Project architects can also use e-commerce to gain itemized expertise, which is much more cost-effective than having a full-time team of experts. This is especially useful when getting a project approved by the local building department, as it must meet building codes that cover all technical disciplines.

  • With e-commerce, engineering services can be adapted to the needs of each project, while maintaining flexible scope and pricing. This is much more efficient than the conventional approach, which involves multiple meetings and design reviews.
  • The scope of work can also be expanded with just a few clicks, without modifying previous contracts or project budgets.
  • When engineering services are contracted online, each purchase can be managed independently of previous services for the same project.

Architects can use the flexibility of e-commerce to deliver an approved design in less time and can cover more projects simultaneously. Most in-person meetings are eliminated, saving time and minimizing exposure to COVID-19.

Among all design professionals, architects tend to have the most interaction with clients. However, this also means that design issues are more likely to damage your reputation. Working with qualified and experienced MEP engineers is an effective way to avoid this.

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