Como os códigos de construção e as certificações de produtos ajudam os desenvolvedores?

How do building codes and product certifications help developers?

In new construction and major renovations, building codes are often thought of as a checklist that must be met in order for the project to proceed legally. A similar situation applies to products labeled by UL and other Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs), where compliance is often associated with unavoidable expenses. However, even if building codes and certified products were optional, they would still be the best business decision.

Building codes and product certifications protect property developers' investment while safeguarding the health of occupants. Without them, buildings would be unreliable and unsafe – this article describes some aspects that would be affected without codes and certifications, emphasizing the importance of professionals who master building codes to ensure structural integrity and safety.

Be sure to meet building codes when using safe appliances.

Utility bills: electricity, gas and water

Building codes establish a performance baseline for all buildings under local jurisdiction. While code compliance requires design work, it also guarantees a minimum level of performance. For example, there are minimum flow rates for plumbing fixtures, while electrical and combustion appliances are regulated by energy codes. A building with a performance level below code requirements would have higher utility bills than compliant buildings.

When a cost-benefit analysis is applied to the entire life cycle of a building, cheap, inefficient appliances are outperformed by high-performance equipment, despite the additional cost. Consider the following example:

  • A building with LED lighting and variable refrigerant flow systems is more expensive than a building with fluorescent lighting and integrated HVAC units.

  • However, LED lighting and VRF systems have a lower long-term cost of ownership.

Building codes can be met without using the latest technologies on the market, as they typically establish a level of performance that balances cost and efficiency. However, exceeding building code requirements often pays off.

Occupant comfort and health

Building codes provide detailed guidelines for sizing MEP installations, and ignoring them would lead to oversized or undersized equipment. Building performance suffers in both cases, as demonstrated by the following examples:

Construction System

Problems when undersized

Problems when oversized


Reduced visibility is dangerous and many tasks become more difficult.

Excessive lighting can be uncomfortable, especially if it causes glare.


Undersized HVAC systems cannot control temperature effectively.

Larger HVAC systems are more expensive and require more maintenance.


Insufficient airflow is detrimental to indoor air quality, affecting the health of occupants.

Oversized fans cause excessive air speed, which can be uncomfortable. They can also be noisy.

Booster Pumps

An undersized pump may not be able to deliver enough water during times of high demand.

If a booster pump is too large, it can cause excessive pressure. Some plumbing fixtures may be damaged.

When designing MEP installations, optimized capacity tends to achieve the best results. More capacity is not necessarily better, as it adds expense without improving performance. Improving energy efficiency is a much better investment.

There are many product labeling programs that target energy efficiency. These products tend to have a level of performance that exceeds code requirements, but they are typically required if you want to enroll in a local discount program.

Building Security

fire protection measures

In addition to addressing the performance of the building system, building codes also ensure safe conditions. Poorly designed building systems are more likely to break down, and some system failures can be very dangerous for occupants. For example, when electrical installations are affected, the associated risks include electric shock and fire.

In fact, fire protection is among the topics covered by building codes. The cost of fire protection measures is only a fraction of the costs of damage in the event of a serious fire, not to mention that insurance companies offer better terms when a building is well protected.

Labeled products play an important role in building security. For example, a UL or ETL label indicates that the product has undergone rigorous fire safety testing under laboratory conditions.


A non-conforming building would likely have a very low construction cost, but would also be inefficient, uncomfortable, unsanitary and dangerous. This is precisely why code compliance is legally enforced – a minimum level of building performance and safety is beneficial to owners, occupants and the entire city.

The simplest way to comply with codes is to work with a qualified engineering firm. Building codes are constantly changing and it is impossible to keep up with their updates without the help of professional MEP engineers.

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