How do domestic water booster pumping systems work?

Surprisingly, most people don't pay much attention to water pressure. It's one of those things that homeowners tend to take for granted. However, for many, variable or low water pressure is a problem they have to deal with day in and day out. Low pressure will result in low water flow in one or more plumbing fixtures in your home. The water will not flow as it should, which can interfere with daily tasks such as washing dishes or taking a shower. In these cases, it is better to opt for a water booster pumping system. However, if you live in Chicago, it's best to keep local codes and regulations in mind as well.

What do water booster pumps do?

From the end user's point of view, a water booster system basically adjusts the flow rate in plumbing fixtures when street pressure is inadequate. A domestic water pressure boosting system has a two-part construction; an expansion tank and a pump. The tank is lined with a bladder. As water is drawn into the expansion tank with the aid of the pump, it compresses the air inside the bladder, becoming highly pressurized. This allows the water to be at the required pressure level when leaving the tank.

Home water booster systems generally come in two broad categories:

  • Manual ( Manually operated boosters are usually activated by manually pressing a switch)
  • Automatic (on-demand boosters activate automatically whenever water pressure drops below a certain threshold)

You get manually operated or automatic water pressure boosters. A manual booster is cheaper and offers more control compared to automatic water pressure boosting systems.

When should you purchase a water booster pump?

Chicago Municipal Code allows you to install a pressure booster pump if the main supply water pressure is insufficient for any purpose in a home. This means that if any building fixture receives water pressure below the required 50 psi, a pressure boosting system must be installed.

However, most people do not have the experience to measure the pressure in a faucet on site. Most owners will tend to decide whether they need a pressure boost based on sensory evidence. So if you find that your bathtub is taking a long time to fill or that it's difficult to shower because the water jets feel saggy, you should probably have your plumbing inspected.

Some homeowners may also live in an area where water pressure in the main supply tends to fluctuate. In these cases, the Chicago Department of Administrative Hearings, Rules and Regulations also allows the installation of automatic or variable frequency pressure boosting systems.

Avoid unnecessary expenses by having a water booster pump installed by a professional.

Piping and pressure boosting systems

Piping and pressure boosting systems may not be installed at the same time, but in terms of local codes, they have an inextricable relationship. This is because both pipe sizing also affects pressure. If you have a standard residential plumbing network installed, it will be easier to decide how strong a reinforcement needs to be installed.

When installing a pressure boosting system, remember to ensure that the outlet pressure remains within the maximum limits allowed in the Chicago municipal code. To be more specific, water pressure should not exceed 75 to 80 psi, beyond which pipes are at risk of damage.

Furthermore, it is also stated in chapter 18, 29.604.10.1.2 of the regulations that the water pressure is mediated by a pump and the speed of the water does not exceed 5 feet per second as opposed to 8 feet per second under normal circumstances.

Pressure relief valves

Pressure relief valves play an important role in ensuring safety. Highly pressurized water leaving the expansion tank can be the cause of possible pressure spikes, which can damage the plumbing and lead to equipment failure. The pressure relief valve plays an important role in preventing such accidents by controlling and reducing the pressure of the water leaving the expansion tank.

Municipal codes are very specific about water pressure. Just to make sure there are no pressure-related accidents, homeowners are also required by municipal code to install pressure relief valves along with a pressure booster pump.

The municipal body has also established very specific requirements for these valves. The minimum size for any valve accompanying a pressure booster pump must be at least ¾ inch and limited to 150 psi. Additionally, if the tank in the pressure boost system has a 24 mesh bronze or steel screen, an additional vacuum relief valve will also need to be installed.

The policy implemented by Chicago engineers, in accordance with municipal code, is to make all homeowners with water booster systems installed on the main water supply have a low pressure shutoff switch. This switch should automatically shut down the system if the pressure on the suction side drops to or below 5 psi within 5 feet of the pump. For people who see this as a potential nuisance, it may be best to install the system somewhere within the home's plumbing.

Professional Involvement

Any project that involves installing a pressure boosting system will likely have several types of professional involvement; during inspections and when hiring labor. Municipal codes have clearly defined regulations for both.

All plumbing installations and extensions must be inspected by a Chicago Water Works System representative. The purpose of these inspections is to ensure everything is up to code and safe for use. If the project is disqualified, the regulations provide for the water supply to be cut off after 10 days of non-compliance.

As far as labor goes, the city of Chicago does not allow home renovations to be performed by anyone other than a licensed plumber. Make sure the expert you hire is qualified to handle the project.


Domestic water pumping systems are one of MEP engineering's great gifts to modern society. Thanks to water pressure boosting systems, inadequate water pressure is nothing more than a minor hindrance for most homeowners. However, a sustainable increase in pressure must comply with the city's municipal codes. Having to find your way through such a large number of regulations may seem tedious, but it will certainly be beneficial in the long run.

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