Como a tubulação de retorno de água quente doméstica economiza água?

How does domestic hot water return piping save water?

If you want to install a domestic hot water return system, you're probably tired of having to wait for hot water every time you turn on the tap. Hot water return systems are proven ways to save water. However, it is not an easy task to navigate local codes and regulations when it comes to home improvement projects such as installing a hot water return piping system. So for those who feel stuck in the minefield of municipal codes, today we'll look at everything you need to make sure you're up to code when installing domestic hot water return pipes.

What is hot water return piping?

Let's say you have a tankless water heater or furnace installed in your home. It is likely that whenever hot water is needed, a small amount of waste will occur. This happens because you need to let the cold water run for a few minutes before hot water is available. Over time, these seemingly small amounts of water can turn into gallons and gallons of waste annually.

Essentially, domestic hot water return piping is the modern answer to this problem. A domestic hot water return system is installed to keep hot water readily available at all hot water taps. There are two basic elements that make up a domestic hot water piping system; return pipes and a recirculation pump.

Electric hot water device (1)

Hot water return piping installation

There are three things to consider before undertaking any new installation project. Firstly, why are you installing it? Secondly, how would one go about purchasing it and thirdly, what rules and regulations need to be kept in mind throughout the duration of the project.

Although this article explores all the regulations you must follow in the later stages of installation, if you are still in the early stages, remember to carry out a feasibility analysis to find out if your reasons for opting to have the return piping checked out.

Also keep in mind that Chicago's municipal code explicitly states in Article 6, 18.29.601.2, that all installations and alterations of domestic plumbing systems must be inspected by a qualified representative of the Chicago Water Works System.

Have hot water return piping installed by licensed professionals.

What type of tubes should you choose?

The types of tubes are differentiated according to the material in which they are formed. The Chicago Department of Administrative Hearings, Rules and Regulations authorizes copper, iron, brass, galvanized steel, and CPVC; however, brass and iron are rarely used in home systems today.

  • Copper (resists corrosion, rigid and flexible tubes with varying thicknesses; type M, type L and type K)
  • Galvanized Steel (Galvanized Zinc coating on the outside to protect the pipe from the outside).
  • CPVC (incredibly durable and lightweight, with a lifespan of 50 to 70 years)


It is impossible to effectively install hot water return pipes without thinking about the size of the pipe and the type of pump used. When it comes to returning hot water pipes, sizing can be a little tricky. Although the Chicago codes explicitly provide sizes for the most common equipment, it is important to remember that these values ​​are for inlet pipelines.

For hot water return pipes, the more general provision of Article 18, 29.604.10.1.2 of the municipal code shall apply, which states that pipe sizes shall be chosen so that the water velocity does not exceed 8 feet per second. When a pump is required, the speed must be no more than 1.5 meters per second, while ensuring that the maximum pressure is 100 psi.

However, the code also limits water pressure levels to 85 psi, beyond which pipes are at risk of leaking. As a general rule, hot water pipes are also a little smaller than standard ½-inch cold water pipes, simply because they are not under pressure from the main supply.


Inevitably, installing hot water return pipes will involve some type of joint. Clause 29.705 of Article 18 of the Chicago Municipal Code is entirely dedicated to plumbing joints. It contains the essential requirements for how joints must be constructed and the materials that can be used to make them. Remember, ask your plumber to ensure all joints are up to code and safety regulations before the hot water return system becomes operational.

Remember to hire licensed professionals

As with joints, clause 29.106 of article 18 is dedicated exclusively to authorizations and licenses. For starters, only a licensed professional is authorized to perform plumbing tasks in the city of Chicago. Failure to hire a licensed plumber or deciding to do it yourself could result in a municipal code violation resulting in safety-related consequences.

That being said, there are also rules about what constitutes a licensed professional plumber. To provide professional plumbing services for installing or extending your hot water return system, they will need to have received formal vocational training or have apprenticed with another professional for a certain number of years.


Installing a hot water return system is not only a great way to save energy, but also an effective step every homeowner can take to save water. However, considering that water with temperatures of up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit will pass through these pipes, it is best to have all safety measures in place. That's where local municipal agencies come in. It may seem tedious to have to follow these specific instructions for every small step, but in the long run, this will not only benefit the occupants but also ensure the longevity of the plumbing system.

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