Classificações de eficiência atualizadas para equipamentos HVAC: SEER2, EER2 e HSPF2

Updated efficiency ratings for HVAC equipment: SEER2, EER2 and HSPF2

The US Department of Energy updated the testing procedure for central air conditioners and heat pumps in January 2023. This results in new HVAC efficiency ratings :

  • Seasonal Energy Efficiency Index 2 (SEER2)
  • Energy Efficiency Index 2 (EER2)
  • Heating Seasonal Performance Factor 2 (HSPF2)

The meaning of these efficiency ratings remains the same, but the testing procedure by which they are determined has been modified. The new procedure is more stringent, meaning that the new SEER2/EER2/HSPF2 ratings for a given piece of equipment are lower than its original SEER/EER/HSPF values.

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As you can imagine, ENERGY STAR certification requirements for central air conditioners and heat pumps have also changed. The US EPA has updated its key product criteria with the new SEER2/EER2/HSPF2 ratings.

The new HVAC test procedure for SEER2, EER2 and HSPF2

climate control tests

The original efficiency testing procedure for HVAC equipment used a static pressure of 0.1 in. of water. However, the US Department of Energy concluded that this test pressure did not reflect actual field conditions to which HVAC systems are exposed. The performance of air conditioners and heat pumps is affected by external sources of static pressure, such as ducts.

  • The M1 test procedure compensates for the performance impact of real-world conditions by increasing static pressure by a factor of five.
  • In other words, HVAC equipment is now tested to 0.5 in. of water (above 0.1 in.).

The performance of HVAC equipment changes under new test conditions, and this results in different efficiency values. The new SEER2, EER2, and HSPF2 nomenclature is used to specify efficiency ratings determined with the new M1 test procedure, while the original nomenclature is used for efficiency ratings determined with the old procedure.

Assuming you test the same heat pump in both procedures, the SEER2/EER2/HSPF2 values ​​will be lower, since the M1 test is more demanding (static pressure is five times higher).

Updated Energy Efficiency Requirements for HVAC Equipment Sold in the U.S.

The Department of Energy has published new efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment in the US, and the states are divided into three regions: North, Southwest and Southeast. The following tables detail the new requirements for each region.

The US DOE has also published updated efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment in accordance with the previous standard (SEER/EER/HSPF). Most of the equipment in stock can still be sold, with one big exception: air conditioners that meet only the old efficiency requirements can no longer be installed in southern states.

2023 HVAC Efficiency Requirements – Northern US

Kind of equipment

Minimum Energy Efficiency

Air conditioning, split system

13.4 SEER2 (or 14.0 SEER)

Heat pump, split system

14.3 SEER2 (or 15.0 SEER)

7.5 HSPF2 (or 8.8 HSPF)

All packaged systems: air conditioners, heat pumps, gas-electric combination

13.4 SEER2 (or 14.0 SEER)

6.7 HSPF2 (from 8.0 HSPF)

13.0 SEER air conditioners and 14.0 SEER heat pumps that comply with the old efficiency requirements can still be sold if they were manufactured before January 1, 2023.

2023 HVAC Efficiency Requirements – Southwest US

Kind of equipment

Minimum Energy Efficiency

Air conditioning, split system, below 45,000 BTU/h

14.3 SEER2 (or 15.0 SEER)

11.7 EER2 (or 12.2 EER)

Air conditioning, split system, 45,000 BTU/h or greater

13.8 SEER2 (or 14.5 SEER)

11.2 EER2 (or 11.7 EER)

Heat pump, split system

14.3 SEER2 (or 15.0 SEER)

7.5 HSPF2 (or 8.8 HSPF)

All packaged systems: air conditioners, heat pumps, gas-electric combination

13.4 SEER2 (or 14.0 SEER)

6.7 HSPF2 (from 8.0 HSPF)

14.0 SEER heat pumps complying with the old requirements can still be sold if they were manufactured before January 1, 2023. Air conditioners can only be sold if they comply with the updated requirements.

2023 HVAC Efficiency Requirements – Southeastern US

Kind of equipment

Minimum Energy Efficiency

Air conditioning, split system, below 45,000 BTU/h

14.3 SEER2 (or 15.0 SEER)

Air conditioning, split system, 45,000 BTU/h or greater

13.8 SEER2 (or 14.5 SEER)

Heat pump, split system

14.3 SEER2 (or 15.0 SEER)

7.5 HSPF2 (or 8.8 HSPF)

All packaged systems: air conditioners, heat pumps, gas-electric combination

13.4 SEER2 (or 14.0 SEER)

6.7 HSPF2 (from 8.0 HSPF)

14.0 SEER heat pumps can still be sold if they were manufactured before January 1, 2023, but air conditioners can only be sold if they meet the updated requirements.

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