Aplicação de projetos de engenharia modernos em edifícios existentes

Application of modern engineering projects in existing buildings

Engineering design is typically associated with new construction and major renovations, where the project in question has not yet been built. However, engineering design tools can also be used to improve operation and maintenance at existing properties. Keep in mind that project documents continue to be useful after the building is complete: they are an invaluable reference for maintenance and troubleshooting, and they provide a useful starting point for future expansions and renovations.

Modern design software allows digital storage of project documents, which ensures a copy is always available if printed plans and specifications are lost. However, software tools were not available for older buildings and design documentation was completed manually. As a result, many buildings no longer have their original design drawings, or have deteriorated to the point where they are impossible to read.

Do you need new technical documentation for your building?

Project documents aren't just useful during the design phase. Building management becomes much more difficult when there is no technical documentation available:

  • Maintenance activities are less effective: additional inspections are required to detect problems and analyze their impact, and their solution often involves a trial and error approach.
  • Property improvements cannot be planned and budgeted effectively: It is difficult to predict how proposed changes will affect existing building systems, and many change orders can be expected during the construction process.

Managing building maintenance and modernization activities without technical documentation is like trying to reach a specific address without a map, in a city you have never visited before. You'll eventually get there, but you won't take the most efficient route.

Creating technical documents for an existing building

If you manage a property that does not have technical documentation, an engineering firm can help you create a set of design documents that reflect the building's current condition. Although it involves an expense, it can be considered an investment given the long-term benefits.

  • Maintenance can be carried out more efficiently, avoiding equipment breakdowns and costly replacements. Your maintenance team can start working proactively, resolving issues before they happen.
  • During a major renovation or extension of a building, technical documentation is useful for integrating the proposed changes with the existing installation. When there is no reference available for building changes, there are unpredictable expenses.

Modern building modeling software can create design documents in just a fraction of the time it took when all drawings were done by hand. The first step is to create a 3D geometric model of your building, which indicates the space requirements and component shapes. Consulting engineers then perform an on-site inspection to collect the technical data that is added to the model. The data collected answers important questions about construction systems, such as the following:

  • What are the technical specifications of each component of the construction system?
  • Are there any parts damaged? Do any of them need urgent replacement?
  • What materials are used in piping, conduit, air ducts and similar components?

Much of this information may seem trivial and easy to obtain. However, consider the time wasted on inspections if you follow this approach every time you need information about building systems. There are also cases where your maintenance team must resolve issues as quickly as possible, and construction documentation speeds up the process considerably.

Meeting New York building codes and local laws

New York local laws

In addition to simplifying property management, technical documentation helps you meet the requirements of New York building codes and local laws. Keep in mind that code compliance doesn't end when construction is complete—building codes are revised and updated all the time, and new requirements are sometimes retroactive for existing properties. The following are some examples of mandatory updates for existing properties:

  • If your building is covered by Local Law 26, you must have a fully operational sprinkler system by July 1, 2019.
  • If your property is covered by Local Law 88, your lighting systems must comply with the New York Energy Conservation Code by January 1, 2025.
  • Energy efficiency requirements for New York City buildings are currently being discussed and new legislation will require a 20% reduction in energy consumption by 2030.

These building upgrades must be submitted to the New York City Department of Buildings for approval, and the application process includes technical documentation. The permitting process can be completed more quickly if you already have construction documents, as they serve as a starting point for required updates. Otherwise, you will have to create project documentation from scratch, first for the building itself and then for the upgrade!

If your building does not have technical documentation, a qualified engineering company can help you create it. Modern design software and information technologies speed the process while minimizing disruption to building operations. Once you have an updated building model with detailed information about your systems, you will have gained a valuable property management tool.

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