7 tips for controlling construction documents

Document control is an integral part of efficient construction project management. Without complete, accurate and accessible records, the main phases of building structures – planning, design, construction, monitoring and closure – can suffer major setbacks. There are construction documents to guide workers, engineers and other interested parties in the design and program of works, among other things. In some cases, a lack of plans can disrupt workflows, causing delays, construction errors and costly rework.

Project managers cannot afford problems, as time is money in the construction sector. Solidify your path to proper and efficient construction practice by understanding what document control is and how you can manage records to encourage uninterrupted work.

What is construction document control?

Construction recording doesn't begin and end with architectural and engineering software . Because projects undergo numerous structural and design changes throughout the construction period, the person assigned to manage construction documents must be skilled, meticulous, and organized.

In addition to project papers, document control also deals with technical plans and contracts, including any type of changes and updates that each element undergoes in the project. To ensure everything is in order, document control should include labeling, proper numbering, recording updates and changes, issuing construction documents, and many other things.

Thanks to technology, controlling construction documents is less labor intensive with the mix of creating and recording digital and physical files. Instead of waiting for engineers to be physically present on site, files can be submitted electronically and approved while the manager affixes his or her signature online . This significantly reduces the time and costs spent on the entire project.

How to Manage Construction Documents More Efficiently

Be less paper dependent

It's counterintuitive to keep all your paper files on-site. They are vulnerable to being lost or damaged due to adverse conditions in the project area. Additionally, you cannot make multiple copies available to all employees who need access to them regularly, such as architects, engineers, supervisors, and other key employees.

Choose good software or cloud-based storage to enhance document control. Keeping everything automated makes construction records more accessible and less susceptible to corruption, loss, damage, and unintentional deletion.

Take a look at your current system

Did you lose several files after last week's updated design? It may be a strong indication that you need to revisit and perhaps make some adjustments to improve your record keeping system. Or this could be an opportunity to move to a new one.

Here are some critical points for your assessment and decision:

  • List the most common problems and assess the source of vulnerabilities.
  • Make sure your digital recording and archiving system is easy to use and customizable to your needs.
  • Choose software that allows you to upgrade when necessary.
  • Assess the accessibility of your documents by asking multiple users who needs them most.
  • Choose a platform that is available for use on a wide range of devices and applications.
  • Make sure your system is accurate and secure from unauthorized access.
  • Determine whether the software company meets your needs.

If there are more disadvantages than benefits to using the system, you may be better off finding better software that can meet your current and future needs. In reality, there is a labor shortage faced by the construction industry so construction companies must do their best to be efficient.

Configure or change your document information process

Despite the presence of a system, you need to keep everything in order by creating your document information processes. A good system is useless without processes in place. Imagine if someone could make changes to files and delete some of them.

Establish a clear information flow table between departments and units. In most cases, designating the department or team leader as the focal person for accessing, distributing, and sharing information and records helps streamline your processes. These department heads can also act as approvers, while higher-level people can act as reviewers or vice versa.

If you already have a process in place, check to see if there is a need to change or simplify it. Remember that no two projects are the same. Thus, system processes need to be modified to accommodate the unique attributes of a project.

Choose competent people to take control of the system

As discussed, records control involves a lot of organizing, labeling, updating, and releasing important data. Therefore, it requires a document manager to be technically qualified to perform various tasks, including solving system problems. The designated person must be able to facilitate the flow of information and have sufficient experience to work with the system when it is uncooperative. The document control manager must also be able to comply with current policies.

Explain the processes to the team

Once the system and policies are in place, hold a team meeting to ensure everyone is on the same page – from the people on site to the supervisory, management and executive levels. Explain the workflows involved in requesting, accessing, and sharing construction records, including the roles of each unit or key person.

Be open to suggestions from people in the field and note down any points raised or any feedback. Follow up with management for any proposals and any changes that management deems appropriate.

Ensure accessibility

Accessibility is crucial in a construction project – or any form of enterprise, for that matter. To make work better for everyone, all employees involved must be able to access important records to perform tasks.

An important thing to consider is the compatibility of the file format with various software and electronic devices. Since most construction documents are electronic, common applications or software should be able to open the file for viewing. Otherwise, instruct users to download the app to their device.

A format without compatibility issues makes it easier to find other documents and track design changes for everyone involved in the project.

Try to improve your processes

Just like the project itself, literally nothing about document control is set in stone. This means that you should always seek to evaluate and improve your processes, as necessary.

Changes in construction stages can alter labor and the configuration of the work. This may require specific revisions to your document control procedures. Consider everyone's input on the challenges they face when it comes to the current system. Ask for suggestions on how procedures can be better.

The wrapping

Choosing good software and hiring the right people to run it are essential to successfully managing construction document control. Getting everyone to participate is also important. To do this, maintain open communication with the entire team to learn how to make processes work better for the overall success of the project.

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