5 uses of geospatial data in business

The use of technology has developed many innovative ways for people including businesses to grow and promote easily. With hundreds of ways to facilitate processes, geospatial data and technology have become one of the most effective tools for success in different industries, especially in today's digital era.

Geospatial data, also known as spatial data, contains information about objects or events with geographic components. Furthermore, it allows you to model the real world and better understand why, where and how phenomena happen in real time. How important is this for the business world?

Here, we will explore and understand the different uses of geospatial data and how it can help today's businesses.

1. Geospatial Mapping

One of the common uses of geospatial data is its application in mapping. Geospatial data helps to build and create a visualization of areas described in a specific or traditional data type.

The data is applied to visualize spatial objects through maps, graphs, statistics, etc. Thus presenting a model that would help businesses obtain accurate location data that can be a powerful tool for business growth. Other useful forms of maps for businesses include heat maps, category maps, and cluster maps. These maps may feature segments such as the following:

  • Potential customer demographics (age, gender, etc.)
  • Socioeconomic origins of the prospect (occupation, income, etc.)
  • The proximity of the business to public services.

How is this useful for businesses? Geospatial mapping can be useful in collecting information related to customers' purchasing habits and patterns. Additionally, when applied to geospatial mapping, this customer information can help businesses know where these people are most likely to shop.

How else can you use your business data? An excellent data analysis solution provided by GIS Services can help companies utilize data to create accurate planning and decisions for their business.

2. Site selection

When creating your own business, it is crucial to find and choose the right location for it to thrive. This is because your goal is to open a business in a location that is easily accessible to your target market. Geospatial data can help you identify competitive locations and whatnot.

Geospatial data analysis will effectively help identify key points for your business and eventually help answer questions related to the following:

  • Competition in nearby stores.
  • Proximity to target customer location.
  • Accessibility to transport.
  • Security and protection.

3. Visit Assignment

Another use of geospatial data is to understand the attribution of visits to your business. Please be aware that this visit attribution applies to physical stores and a company's online website. But let's focus on store visit attribution and why it's crucial for your business. Visit attribution helps you identify customers who are actual visitors to your business.

It helps to differentiate who enters your store's grounds and who is just a passerby. How is this possible? Accurate building footprint data and accurate GPS customer data will help businesses analyze actual foot traffic.

Therefore, allowing companies to improve and develop effective ways to increase foot traffic in the company's physical stores. Keep in mind that increasing foot traffic can mean an increase in interest, and interest can regulate income.

4. Analyze the competition

Knowing and analyzing the competition is a way to assess whether your business is doing well. Geospatial data provides your business with competitive intelligence. Understanding your business competition involves knowing who they are, what they do, and their advantage over what you offer.

Geospatial data allows you to know and see your geographic influence compared to your competitors, especially those that your market visits frequently. Through this data, you will be able to see and evaluate whether your customers and prospects are finding your business more accessible than many others around you.

5. Logistics and Supply Chain

Effective logistics is one of the keys to business success. Logistics refers to the company's purchase and delivery of raw materials and the transportation of goods from one point to another. Additionally, it includes packaging, shipping, and storage of products.

Companies use effective and advanced geospatial mapping to identify ways to improve logistics and utilize better delivery routes. With this, companies can speed up delivery and shipment times, leading to customer satisfaction. Effective logistics contributes positively to a successful supply chain.

A successful supply chain can increase a company's cash flow, profit, and sales. Additionally, geospatial data can also provide visual data for businesses to use to track their progress in specific geographic locations.


Today's innovation and technology have opened up useful new opportunities for businesses to succeed. Geospatial data can be complex to understand, but it is really useful for you to better understand the needs and preferences of your target market. Those included in the list are just a few uses of geospatial data.

Geospatial data can also help answer business problems related to network planning and risk assessment. Furthermore, it further contributes to understanding consumer perceptions, which the company can use to increase interest and attention to the business.

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