3 características de uma franquia de sucesso

3 characteristics of a successful franchise

A franchise offers a head start compared to starting a business from scratch since the business model has already been developed by someone else. You must simply replicate the concept according to the franchise's operating manuals and, in return, share a percentage of your earnings in the form of royalties.

However, it cannot be assumed that a concept will be successful just because a company has already created a franchise. Choosing the right brand to work with is a key element to success. Ideally, you want to work with a franchise that cares about the success of its partners, not one that only cares about charging fees and royalties.

Are you planning to open a new franchise location? Get a professional MEP design that meets your requirements.

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This article will discuss three characteristics of a successful franchise and how working with a good brand increases your chances of success. It also helps to focus on franchise sectors with high growth potential for 2021 a high demand product or service will attract many customers in a short time.

1) A successful franchise works to help you succeed

franchise agreement

The franchise business model is based on charging fees and royalties, but a successful brand also cares about its profits. When starting a franchise , the highest fee is typically paid upfront. However, a brand that forgets about its franchisees after receiving the first payment is not an ideal business partner.

Before signing a contract with a franchise, check the success rate of its partners. If new locations are opening and closing all the time, this could indicate that franchisees are having difficulty replicating the concept. This could also indicate that the brand offers little support once the initial fees have been charged.

A franchise is a business partnership: you are helping a company expand and, in return, you can replicate a successful concept. The franchise benefits from the fees and royalties collected, and you benefit from the support of a big brand and its positioning. A successful franchise will guide you through the entire process, and may even send supervisors during the commercial adjustment phase.

2) A successful franchise will share its resources

franchise feature

Generally, a franchise will have more features and benefits than any of its franchisees. These include vendor discounts, access to favorable loan terms with banks, massive marketing campaigns, e-commerce platforms and business apps.

A franchise that wants its partners to succeed will be generous with these resources. For example, supplier discounts and low-interest financing can increase profit margins by helping the franchisee cover initial costs. On the other hand, when franchisees have to fend for themselves, their chances of success are reduced.

Marketing campaigns, brand positioning and in-house technology are also big tailwinds for franchise partners. These benefits are the result of large investments and pay off when shared with franchisees.

3) A successful franchise is aware of local building codes

franchise building code

When starting a franchise, you must familiarize yourself with its operating manuals and many other documents. However, the requirements of a franchise must not conflict with local regulations. building codes or it will be impossible to obtain approval for commercial fitness.

A franchise's technical specifications must align with local building codes and not conflict. Working with professional MEP engineers is a great help as they can provide a design that meets all applicable requirements. When a franchise's commercial space is rented, there may also be terms and specifications from the landlord.

Some franchises provide sample construction drawings, which are a helpful starting point when opening a new location. However, each project is unique and a detailed design is required to obtain approval from the local building department.


When starting a franchise, the brand you choose is a very important factor that determines success. The main advantage of franchising is replicating a business model that worked before. However, you will want to work with a franchise that will be involved in the process, helping you establish a successful operation. Signing a contract with a franchise can help you succeed, but only if the company provides ongoing support.

Franchises have operating manuals and technical specifications, which determine the design requirements when opening a new location. MEP Engineering Services can help you get approval quickly, especially when you work with a company with experience in the franchise industry.

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